MORE puppy food

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Clare Sexton, Oct 20, 2018.

  1. Clare Sexton

    Clare Sexton Registered Users

    Sep 28, 2018
  2. Jade

    Jade Registered Users

    Aug 7, 2018
    I love in the USA so I've never seen this before but looking at the ingredients it looks better than some. If it were available here I'd give a try for my dogs.
    I guess the best thing to do is try it and see how your pup does on it.
  3. Joy

    Joy Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2014
    I haven't used it but it looks a good quality kibble to me. By that I mean it has a named meat source (chicken meal and fresh chicken) and an appropriate protein level for a puppy (30%). The only thing I'd say is that occasionally dogs can have a sensitivity to chicken, but if you find your puppy didn't do well on this brand you could change to a chicken-free one.

    I suggest using the site . It not only compares brands but has some useful articles on dog nutrition.
  4. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Hi, I have never seen or heard of that before but it’s pretty expensive !
  5. Jojo83

    Jojo83 Registered Users

    Feb 11, 2017
    Personally I wouldn't feed this kibble. It has a declared 23% fresh chicken and the next ingredient is rice but with an undeclared % but as the 3rd ingredient is chicken meal at 18% we know the rice is somewhere between 23% and 18%. The 4th ingredient is maize - again with an undisclosed percentage and maize is not a highly recommended food for a dog and the 5th ingredient is beet pulp again with an undisclosed %. So all we do is that chicken and chicken meal accounts for 41% of the kibble and rice, maize and beet pulp makes up around 49% of the food - you can pretty much ignore everything from the chicken fat at 2% downwards as they are unlikely to total any more than around 10%. I'm also not keen on the Fish Meal ingredient as you really don't know what this contains. Any 'meal' in a food is best as a single source protein ie. 'Chicken meal' or 'salmon meal' not 'poultry' or 'fish'.

    So although this food delivers the recommended amount of protein there are definitely better foods available which are so full of 'fillers' I.e. cheap ingredients to bulk out the food.

    I wouldn't worry about chicken as in reality very fewer puppies/dogs are sensitive to it.

    It looks like an 'own brand' food, nothing wrong in that, but that's probably why the store promotes it. A good source of information on food and all the various ingredients which make up those foods can be found at
  6. Plum's mum

    Plum's mum Registered Users

    Jan 1, 2017
    East Sussex
    I use More because my pup's breeder fed her on it before she left. It's expensive and I tried to change it at one point because of this but it's very good quality so I've stayed with it.
    My pup is now 2 and still has it.
    I don't feed the chicken one but they do lamb.
  7. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    I agree with JoJo83...
  8. Clare Sexton

    Clare Sexton Registered Users

    Sep 28, 2018
    Thank you for this information. Is there a kibble that you would recommend? I have got myself a bit confused with it all!!!
  9. Jojo83

    Jojo83 Registered Users

    Feb 11, 2017
    It can become confusing :( . Fist I would say that in the UK the only people who can advise you on a suitable diet for you puppy is your vet or a qualified canine nutritionist. That said foods I would happily feed to my next puppy are, in no specific order
    Aatu for puppies
    Orijen puppy
    Simpson's Premium Puppy 80/20
    True Instinct Raw Boost Puppy
    Natural Dog Food Company Puppy and
    NatureDiet Puppy/Junior Complete.

    Most of these are available from places like Pets At Home although some are internet order direct to the manufacturer only. Details of the foods can be found on
    I selected these foods from a search this morning because they all provide a high level of protein from a named source - no meals although there is nothing wrong with named source meals, just my preference not to use them by choice as they can be of lower quality. The True Instinct does have 'poultry fat' but I'm prepared to overlook that blip asI already feed the adukt version (together with their wet meats) and they do a nice range of training treats :) . Also all these foods are specifically formulated for puppies, in general weaning to around 12 months as I don't like foods which cover weaning to whatever age as the nutritional requirements of a puppy are very different to say a 4 year old dog, an 8 year old dog or a 12 year old dog and as yet I haven't seen an explanationofhow the food is balanced for all.
    As I said this all my personal opinion as although I'm currently studying canine nutrition, I'm not qualified or a vet. Hope this helps a little.

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