Vaccinations frustrations

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by 21Vicki02, Oct 20, 2018.

  1. 21Vicki02

    21Vicki02 Registered Users

    Aug 23, 2018
    Hi all,

    Hope you're all well, Indy is 10 weeks today and doing great (although her toileting took a nose dive yesterday for unknown reasons but hoping it was a one off)
    Hugely frustrated today upon taking her for her second vaccinations to discover that the breeders vet only gave her lepto 2 and parvo so now she needs to have another injection in 2 weeks so she's had the full course of DHPPI. This means it's going to be another 3 weeks till she can go on the floor or start her puppy training classes thereby delaying her socialisation and recall training massively. I have been taking her everywhere carrying her but she's now 5.4kg and is starting to struggle to get down and investigate so will struggle for another 3 weeks.
    I am so annoyed as I wish the breeder hadnt bothered as she'd have been vaccinated sooner had I done it and I've had to pay for a full course anyway.

    Does anyone have any idea why their vet would only do the lepto and parvo and not do the full initial vaccination as it makes no sense to me?

    Thanks for letting me rant :)
  2. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Hi @21Vicki02

    re toilet training as all training has plateaus, hills and valleys, so do don't expect a continuous trajectory up the training 'hill'.

    I can only think of two explanations:

    1. breeder did not want to bear the cost
    2. vet incompetency

    Neither are going to ease the frustration. Sorry.

    The only positive thing that I can think of it might be easier on your back to strap the puppy in a baby stroller on your socialisation excursions.
  3. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    It doesn't mean this at all. Many classes will take puppies from one week after 1st vaccination (my own classes do) and she has had two parvo vaccinations already now, so would be as covered for parvo as you would be if this were the final vaccination - and parvo is the main risk factor for puppies. Finally, trainers really don't scrutinise the vaccination booklets in great detail to ensure that every vaccination has been given (take it from me, there is a lot more to do at a first class!) so it is extremely unlikely anyone would even notice even if you just took her now and if you had two 'lots' of stickers.

    As for taking her out on the ground - again, she has had 2 parvo vaccinations... Bear in mind that far more dogs are PTS for behavioural problems stemming from poor socialisation than the number that catch a contagious disease that vaccinations cover, and die.... If you are still worried, just avoid areas where other dogs are very likely to have toileted, like public parks, pavements etc - and aim for 'in the middle of no where' places.

    Do you actually have the vaccination records from the breeder's vet? Can you take a photo and post here? It is extremely uncommon for a breeder to give parvo and lepto and nothing else. They would either give everything - the first 'round' of shots - or, sometimes, if a puppy is born into a high-risk parvo area, some breeders do give parvo vaccination alone - just in case maternal antibodies wear off early.

    But I really don't see why they would give parvo and then just lepto as well to a pup that young. Lepto is a bacterial vaccine, and in the US vets won't give it - it is not a routine vaccination and is only given if an owner specifically requests it. Even then, it would be given when the immune system was fully mature at 5+ months and the other vaccine courses have been done. And then with the whole lepto 2 and lepto 4 situation, it is especially risky for a breeder to pick one and give it, in case the new owner's vet is using the other and the vaccines need to start from scratch.

    Personally, I would always want to buy a pup with no vaccines at all and to have a clean slate to make all decisions and ensure my own vet does everything and I know what that is... I would not want to buy a pup already vaccinated.

    I would also recommend you look into Vaccicheck:

    Because if you run a titre test in 2-3 weeks, you might find that she is already fully inoculated just from that one vaccination you gave and you don't need another...
  4. 21Vicki02

    21Vicki02 Registered Users

    Aug 23, 2018
    Thanks for getting back to me, I'm feeling a bit more accepting now than I was earlier, it's just strange to me as they've still given two vials of vaccine so would have thought it cost the same. Hey ho the time will go fast enough I'm sure and I'll just get strong in the meantime lol
  5. 21Vicki02

    21Vicki02 Registered Users

    Aug 23, 2018
    Thankyou so so much for taking the time to get back to me and give me such a comprehensive reply,
    I don't know how to upload a photo on here but on the record it shows the two stickers, one lepto and one parvo.
    I am desperate to get her as socialised and well trained as possible as I was attacked by my last dog without warning resulting in over 100 stitches in the back of my head I am very lucky to not have any lasting damage. Touch wood at the moment she is perfect, has been to several pubs and coffee shops etc and is good as gold, settles down to sleep as soon as we sit down, hopefully it will continue. You don't know how much your reassurance means as I was thinking along the same lines as you but wasn't sure if I was just being very irresponsible thinking that way.
    I will definitely take your advice thankyou again
  6. Browneyedhandsomebuddy

    Browneyedhandsomebuddy Registered Users

    Aug 5, 2018
    Lepto was the one we had to wait 3 weeks for. When I talked to a better vet about it she said just to avoid lakes, rivers etc, I think that’s right? Others on here will know more....

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