Safely introducing 11 month old playful lab ,to 8 week pointer pup.

Discussion in 'Labrador Training' started by Rosalind Watkinson, Oct 24, 2018.

  1. Rosalind Watkinson

    Rosalind Watkinson Registered Users

    Aug 1, 2018
    My 11 month male lab pup has settled in really well with 10 year old pointer female dog.They were introduced straight away when he was 8 weeks old.They play happily and sleep together on sofa.My daughter,and husband lives with us and got a pointer puppy 3 weeks ago ,now aged 11 weeks.The problem is my 11 month lab is so boisterous and they both want to play , but we have to keep them on leads for fear or her being injured.There is a lot of tail wagging,and touching faces and no aggression or fear.The 10 year old pointer female dog ,just keeps well out of the way..My daughter keeps her pup ,most of the time upstairs with her ,and the pup has lots of walks outside alone ,and has periods with everyone downstairs,but still on leads So they are all getting used to each other being around.We do have cosy crates in the living area,but we don’t use them routinely.We really want to integrate the puppy more downstairs in to family life.The pup needs to race around downstairs (she has time on her own when we take the other dogs out).But my lab is so playfully boisterous,wanting to play and play tug with toys and chase around.She does too !My daughter is very anxious about her pup being hurt,as her 8 year old pointer died ,2 years ago ago tragically,Query due to a clot.It has taken them all this time to buck up the courage to get a new puppy.So we all want the best for this little one,but I don’t want to scold my lab pup or keep him shut up for being playful.
    Can anyone suggest any ideas .
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2018
  2. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Hi @Rosalind Watkinson

    welcome to the site.

    I have just posted a reply to another member that would be relevant to you.

    I note you say your dog is not aggressive. The idea is to get your dogs to interact without always being overaroused

    So i would buy 2 snufflemats. Locate the mats close but not so close that the dos are over-aroused. They each get to sniff and find treats.

    Think of ways of getting them to interact without them climbing on top of each other resulting in too much arousal. A child's pool filled with balls and treats is another good activity. One plays in the pool looking for treats, while you walk the other dog closer and closer to the pool. Then swap turns.
    Rosalind Watkinson likes this.
  3. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    The best way to achieve this, is by putting the more confident or bigger dog on leash - this is going to be your 11 month old lab. And having the pointer pup off leash totally.

    The pointer pup can then decide when to come in to meet your lab, and when to run away and 'escape' if the encounter gets too much. If wrestling starts, you can restrain the lab on leash somewhat to try to 'equalise' the difference in weight between them, and you can periodically remove the lab (if on top) to see what the pointer underneath then does - if she comes back for more, she was pretty happy underneath. If she takes it as an opportunity to escape, may be not so...

    As the pointer pup grows physically, she will be better able to hold her own against the lab. You will also find that play outdoors will lead to more 'chase' games as she gets older, and she will be able to run much faster than the lab....
    Rosalind Watkinson likes this.
  4. Rosalind Watkinson

    Rosalind Watkinson Registered Users

    Aug 1, 2018
  5. Rosalind Watkinson

    Rosalind Watkinson Registered Users

    Aug 1, 2018
    Thanks so much for taking time to reply and giving the helpful links ,that I will look at
  6. Rosalind Watkinson

    Rosalind Watkinson Registered Users

    Aug 1, 2018
  7. Rosalind Watkinson

    Rosalind Watkinson Registered Users

    Aug 1, 2018
    Thanks Jo,we do put the older lab puppy on a leash,but have kept our pointer pup on a leash as well.So will Definately take your advice and try to let her off completely.At the moment ,it is her who is biting him and hanging on with her little pincer like teeth .My lab is a softie and there is still lots of tail wagging and they both get loads of praise.We are very lucky that we are all at home ,so there is always some one here .Thanks again.
  8. mandyb

    mandyb Registered Users

    Oct 25, 2013
    East Devon
    Hi and welcome.
    Do you have GSPs or English Pointers? I used to have an English Pointer and Lab together, they got on really well. The Lab could out smart the Pointer but never out run him. :)
    Edp likes this.

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