Harley woke up today with a runny nose and constant sneezing for about 10 minutes. She ate breakfast fine. She went in her cage whilst I went to work for 2 hours and when I came back, she was sneezing again. At lunch time she kept sneezing then just as she started eating it sounded like she was trying to clear her throat then was sick. It was gooey and not the usual sick! I have also noticed a small rash on her belly. I have phoned the vets and they have asked me to bring her in tomorrow, but to phone back straight away if she gets worse before then. She is currently asleep, led across me on the sofa. I hate it when she is poorly just hoping its nothing serious :-\
Re: Under the weather It is a worry when you don't know what's up isn't it Hopefully they can put your mind at rest tomorrow and she'll be right as rain in no time
Re: Under the weather Harley woke 3 times last night so ended up in our bedroom. Her sneezing has continued so I took Harley to the vets earlier.....she has a throat infection so is on antibiotics. We also noticed a small rash on her belly, they checked this and are unsure if it is ringworm - they are going to check it again next week. I came home from work 3 hours ago and she woke up to get on the sofa with me, then slept since apart from waking to have a wee, but then went straight back to sleep not good Hate it when she is poorly
Re: Under the weather Thanks everyone. My daughter has come home from uni for 2 days and Harley was really pleased to see her. We had a short walk, and now she is back on the sofa having a snooze