Severe biting by 13 week old puppy.

Discussion in 'Labrador Training' started by Harley Sue, Oct 14, 2018.

  1. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Hi @Michele Moore

    Welcome to the site.

    Blowing at the dog's muzzle is not something I would suggest.

    First, it's an aversive. Try instead to show the dog what is permitted. Reward what you want the dog to do. Positive reinforcement is a very powerful way of training. Whereas if the blowing did not work, would one ramp up the level of punishment? Where does it stop?

    Second, it could result in the dog lunging at your face and biting your lips or nose. It's not a safe practice.
  2. Harley Sue

    Harley Sue Registered Users

    Oct 8, 2018
    New Jersey, USA
  3. Harley Sue

    Harley Sue Registered Users

    Oct 8, 2018
    New Jersey, USA
    Thank you! The biting is improving, and she seems more calm and focused. She's a love, but the worst bitie pup I've had. Being fully vaccinated, and able to get out more, has also helped a lot. Tires her out, and then she wants to snuggle and nap.
  4. Debbie

    Debbie Registered Users

    Jul 15, 2018
    My puppy was horrible with biting and is now almost 7 months. My experience with yelling ouch made things much worse. He became too amped up then. Secondly, I had to buy a xtra long pet gate to keep him away from me when he wouldn’t stop biting me. Although it caused him to bark at me for attention. I will take barking any day over biting. Lastly, a trainer told me to put a leash on him and let him drag it all over the houses and outside. The purpose was to be able to hold him away from me so I wouldn’t get bit. This definitely helped. It took him about 2 days to not chew on the leash and then he never did. This helps, I think from the young 11-12 week pups to about 18-20 weeks when the peek biting hopefully lessons. I also learned, much too late, to keep a calm voice. The yelling I did from his constant biting and my frustration certainly didn’t help him or me. I think this caused him to be difficult longer. A trainer helped me understand how that affected him. I no longer raise my voice ever and my dog is much improved. I thought I’d never bond with him, and now I can’t imagine not having him.
    Harley Sue likes this.
  5. Harley Sue

    Harley Sue Registered Users

    Oct 8, 2018
    New Jersey, USA
    Thank you for sharing! Harley is 15 weeks now, and biting less. When she does bite, it doesn't get as crazy, as quickly. I think a few things have helped. She's getting older, and not as hyper, I finally made the connection between tired and biting, and put her in for a nap several times a day, all without complaint, and no longer try games like tug of war, which amped up the crazy very quickly! My arms and legs don't have as many bruises and punctures, and doctors have stopped asking what happened to me. Truth! It was awful! We now have many more episodes of loving, cuddling, learning, walking, without a shark attack out of nowhere! Good luck! They are heart stealers, for sure!
    Debbie likes this.
  6. Debbie

    Debbie Registered Users

    Jul 15, 2018
    I’m so glad things are getting easier now. Her pic is adorable. We are considering getting a black lab pup when Buddy is older. I can’t believe I’m saying that.
    Harley Sue likes this.

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