Hi, My 8 week old puppy goes crazy tearing everything down in the morning after his first meal. He is completely uncontrollable that time. I let him run in the backyard but still I don’t know how to calm him down. Any suggestions?
Always redirect him to a tug toy if he’s chewing something he’s not supposed to. Keep him enclosed in an area he can’t chew stuff you don’t want him to. Take away or put out of reach anything he can chew away as much as possible. Try training him with his food instead of just giving him the food for free. Or at least half of his morning meal for training. Try to keep him occupied and his mind busy. He’s 8 weeks, so he has no clue what you want him to do right now. He will learn eventually, but it’s hard work.
So, I don’t let him run wild in the backyard to exhaust himself. It seems I am teaching him to go wild every morning. Makes sense! Am still, little unsure how to keep him calm. I will get him some tug toys and chewable bones etc and see if that works.
When my pup was eight weeks we just let him outside for bathroom purposes only. He tried to chew so many things we didn’t want him to in the backyard when he was that young so we just let him go potty and then back inside. As he got older and learned “leave it”, now he has back yard play time when we let him. I don’t know your current situation and others will chime in with better advice, but yea chew toys, stuffed Kongs, etc. Then just start teaching him “sit, stays, downs” with his kibble and have short training sessions teaching him to come to you inside the house. At 8 weeks, he’s going to sleep a ton. So when you sense him getting tired I would teach him to go to his crate and put food in there and see if he sleeps in the with the door open.
Well, If I don't let him run outside, he goes crazy in the house. It seems I need to teach him to remain calm indoors with help of toys, chewable etc.
Hi @Supermom when your dog experiences the so-called zoomies it's not possible to train the dog because he is is not listening to anything you say or do.. Please read the following article. https://www.thelabradorsite.com/dog-zoomies/ Try to work out if you can identify the trigger/triggers for the zoomies and then avoid them. Train your dog when he is not over threshold.