left elbow arthroscopy and coronoidectomy

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Michael560, Dec 30, 2018.

  1. Michael560

    Michael560 Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2018
    Dear Colleagues, we are rather distraught with our poor Cholcolate Labrador, Charlie. Recentlty our Vets referred us to a specialised Vet for an occassional limp that had developed with Charlie on his left elbow. The vet carried out left elbow arthroscopy and coronoidectomy performed and to be honest Charlie has been lame ever since, he has never been right whereas before his was good.

    We are now 8 weeks into the recovery and at out wits ends on what to do, our insurers have paid out in full for the condition and I have expressed my deep concern with the vet about the procedure not being successful.

    Is there anyone who has experience of this treatment who can advise us on the amount of time recovery might be, if so did you use Physio.

    thank you
  2. lucy@labforumHQ

    lucy@labforumHQ Administrator Forum Supporter

    Oct 14, 2013
    Hi Michael, Welcome to the forum.

    I'm so sorry to hear that your dog has been unwell. It's so worrying when they have ailments, especially when they end in an operation.

    I've not had any personal experience of canine arthroscopy, I'm afraid. What did they say when you told them you were worried it hadn't worked? If you are concerned that he isn't recovering as well as expected it wouldn't hurt to seek a second opinion from another veterinarian.

    I'm glad to hear the insurance paid out in full, that's at least one less thing to worry about at the moment!

    Do let us know how he gets along.

    Wishing you both all the best,

  3. Keri

    Keri Registered Users

    May 29, 2018
    Hi, sorry to hear you’re so worried about Charlie. Our chocolate Labrador had open arthrotomy (as opposed to keyhole arthroscopy) and had fragments removed 4 weeks 4 days ago exactly. From day one there was massive improvement so, yes, you should go back and talk to your own vet and the operating vet and also a second opinion would be good.
    I was somewhat worried our vet was performing open arthrotomy and he did tell me she would be an extra week catching up with a dog who’d had arthroscopy but I’m so pleased with the result, even the wound only had 1 stitch on surface but of course many more inside.
    As regards insurance company, just because they’ve paid in full for expenses thus far, doesn’t mean they won’t pay out for continuing expenses for the same issue unless it goes beyond their specified limit. My insurance company’s limit is €4,000. I’ve still a surplus of €1,700 for the current year.
    In my lab’s case, she had ct scan first, then operation and now on complete strict resting for first 6 weeks, she has not been left off lead when going out to loo and is content in her crate inbetween. No physio and none advised. No swimming advised either which surprised me but it’s my choice if I want to take her. Vet said walking is the best for building up muscle again and it’s free! Vet told me after the operation that her elbow had been “very nasty” (his words). Once the 6 weeks has passed she’s to have lead walks starting at 5 mins x 4 daily and slowly building up to 20mins x 4 daily, still on the lead.
    I’m so sorry Charlie is in such pain and you’re so worried. I’d be hounding the vets for answers. I feel for him, it must be so sore and for you, worrying.
    Good luck.

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