Two male puppies at same time - need advice!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Soozeq, Jan 7, 2019.

  1. Soozeq

    Soozeq Registered Users

    Jan 7, 2019
    Hi - it's a long story but basically we have ended up with two male black labs - one is 5 months (we got him at 15 weeks) and the other is now 3 months and we got him at 8 weeks. The 8 week old was 'planned', but the older one was a bit of an impulsive decision which is too long to explain. They were both brought to the house within a week of eachother (the older one first). To be honest, it is not going too badly but I have been upset by reading articles about how stupid it is to have two dogs of similar age, breed, gender etc. despite the fact they are from different litters. They get along Ok - they have not had any fights although their playing gets a bit boisterous at times. We are walking them separately (mainly due to the little one still not being able to go far) and we feed them separately and they are crated separately at night. I am starting training sessions next week and they will go separately. They have fallen asleep together on their sofa, but this is rare as they just want to play too much so I end up having to separate them to give them both a rest.
    I think what I need to hear (if it's possible!) is that this situation is not going to be a disaster and that they will develop into two great dogs who are good friends and great pets! We have previously had two males and they got on really well and had a lovely bond, although we did not get them so close together in ages.
    If there is any advice especially from people who have experienced this, it would be great to hear!
    Jade likes this.
  2. Jade

    Jade Registered Users

    Aug 7, 2018
    I think it's totally possible and it sounds like you're doing great. I've never had two pup at the same time but I do have three dogs. Although it's a lot of work it is doable.
  3. Bud Light/Dilly Dilly

    Bud Light/Dilly Dilly Registered Users

    Oct 22, 2018
    Los Angeles, CA
    Agree with @Jade. Sounds like you are doing everything right. I can’t imagine how hard it is to deal with two puppies at the same time. Props to you. I’m sure with time they will be fine.
    Jade likes this.
  4. Plum's mum

    Plum's mum Registered Users

    Jan 1, 2017
    East Sussex
    I agree, it sounds like you’re doing everything right.
    Must be tiring but hopefully you’ll be rewarded by two happy dogs who love each other.
  5. edzbird

    edzbird Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2015
    Isle of Man
    Gosh no, it's by no means a stupid, impossible situation. As long as you can make time to train them separately and give them space from each other, you will be fine. Our 2 are about 2 years apart in age, but I do have to train them separately (and mostly walk them separately) - tiring, yes, but very rewarding. They play well and seem to love each other. Wouldn't have it any other way.
  6. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Agree with the above. It is perfectly possible. It is, however, a lot of work.

    You have to make sure each dog views interacting with you as more important than playing with the other dog. Why? You want each dog to follow your cues and bond with you.

    Some research suggests that dogs experience jealousy. So don't play favourites. "All dogs are treated equally", (and unlike Animal Farm, actually implement the policy ;)).

    How to do that? Train them separately. Take them to different classes in obedience. You are already doing that. Great.

    When they are in the house together, play versions of Simon says. You say, "Dog X, sit". Then "Dog Y, sit". Reward them for being calm around each other. It will help initially if you create a little distance between them rather than trying to do it when they are side by side.

    Be wary of resource guarding issues and nip them in the bud. Note that you are a resource too.

    Please keep us all informed how you go. Sounds like double the trouble, but also double the fun.
  7. Soozeq

    Soozeq Registered Users

    Jan 7, 2019
    Thank you! Lots of positive vibes which I needed.
    I think the main issue is not two male dogs (we’ve done that before), but the closeness in age. Our old two were 3 years apart and these aren’t even 3 months! Having said that, the older one does seem more mature than he is and the size difference is currently massive so I’m hoping that is helping.
    Jade likes this.
  8. Harry's Mum

    Harry's Mum Registered Users

    May 17, 2019
    Hi, new member here and I'd just like to say thank you for the first positive comments I've read about having two pups from the same litter.
    My husband and I have an eleven week old fox red lab (Harry) and my son and family, who live opposite have bought his brother, Loki.
    We 'dog sit' Loki for them whilst they are at work and at present it's going well. The two pups play together - there's a lot of chasing and play fighting but then they cuddle up together for naps. We have separate crates, they are fed in separate rooms and are apart at night and on weekends. Once they are fully immunised they'll be going to puppy classes, the same trainer but on different days.
    Sorry for the long post, but I'm wondering if there's anything else we should be doing? We're experienced dog owners but haven't had two at the same time before and any advice would be welcome.
  9. Soozeq

    Soozeq Registered Users

    Jan 7, 2019
    Hi - so glad to hear we are not the only mad people in the world! Well, hopefully I can make you feel better (like people on here did for me!). Our two boys are doing great. They are now 9 months and 7 months and we are so happy with how things are turning out - they get on great and we have had no real issues. However, I will just let you know how we have been handling it all. They were crated separately initially and then when the older one was able to be left uncrated, we just had the younger one crated. But now neither of them are crated and they just sleep happily side by side in our utility room at night and during the day if we are out. If we are home they have pretty much a free run and also have their own sofa (very spoilt!) which they share together if they want. We feed them at the same time, but, again, initially we had them in separate areas - one behind a baby gate, but now they eat in the same room with no issues. I think the most important thing we did is that they have both been to dog training classes and I took them separately. The older one went in the 6-12 month group and the younger one in the 3-6 month class. The younger one has now graduated to the older class so he is having a second round of it all - no harm in that if you ask me! I also walked them separately most of the time. We only started taking them out together a few weeks ago and only if my husband and I were together - just in case. I had taken them together by myself but tended to keep one on the lead at a time. However, this morning I took them together and let them off together - no problems with their recall and them coming back. Hooray! My next plan is to take them out together with my friends and their dogs (the older one has been doing this for quite a while already and he also goes out with a dog walker twice a week so is well used to other dogs - the younger one will join him soon). It has been full on and has taken up a lot of my time, but it's been totally worth it - they are gorgeous! I've been quite committed with the training as I think, without that, things could quickly go a bit bonkers as they are labs, after all! They do try to get my attention and then some competitiveness comes out, but it has been nothing serious or even remotely aggressive which is something I had feared. I also did lots of lead and heal training separately so have no begun doing this when they are together - it is going better than I thought and I can walk with them both calmly by my side - although it does go a bit pear shaped if we meet someone with a dog. So, all in all, none of my fears have come true - they get on better than we hoped, they are better trained than I dared imagine and I think by the time they are a year old things will be even better (famous last words!). I suppose my main piece of advice is to keep up with the training at the classes and at home - every opportunity! We have been going to a proper gun dog trainer and I think that has helped, too. I have also always treated them equally which I know goes against some advice - no alpha dog or any of that stuff. I have read that the science behind that is a bit unreliable anyway. As to whether they have a hierarchy between them, I couldn't say - certainly doesn't look like it. Hope this helps!
    Harry's Mum likes this.
  10. Harry's Mum

    Harry's Mum Registered Users

    May 17, 2019
    Thanks so much for your reply and advice, Soozeq. Your boys sound fabulous! I hope ours will also be a success story.
    It's all very 'full on' between 8 am and 5 pm at the moment, hard work but great fun too. They're such little characters but also totally different in their approach. Harry is very laid back, calm and chilled whereas, Loki is the more excitable of the two. We've been taking them out (carried, of course) to try to get them used to different situations, noises and people. They're getting a bit heavy now so thankfully they'll be able to set paw to ground in another two weeks or so!
    I think I've read every post on this forum - so helpful, I love it and I expect to be back picking your brains a lot ;-)
  11. BISMom

    BISMom Registered Users

    May 28, 2019
    So thankful for this post, as we are the proud (crazy) owners of 2 8 week old lab puppies. We have only had them a few days, but I'm hopeful that we can get to a point where they are happy, controlled, and able to keep each other company while we are at school and work during the day. We did at least plan to get the puppy (which turned into puppies) over the summer so that I'm off work and have more time to work with them
  12. Harry's Mum

    Harry's Mum Registered Users

    May 17, 2019
    Hi BISMom, congratulations on your puppies I hope everything is going well and the sleep deprivation isn't too bad. That's what I found the hardest to cope with. However, at thirteen weeks, Harry and Loki are now sleeping from about 10.30 pm until 5.30 am and it's so much better!
    Although Loki belongs to my son and his family, they're currently away on holiday so Loki's stayed with us. They're due back today, which is great as two puppies are definitely twice the work, but at the same time it's been a fun week.
    I have started clicker training them and have been amazed at how quickly they've picked it up. They're sitting and staying nicely and are happy to stay quietly in their crates for naps, our mealtimes and my sanity! Kongs are fantastic!
    They're able to put paws on pavement after tomorrow so we're looking forward to not having to carry them everywhere.
    Good luck with your two!
    BISMom likes this.
  13. Puppymum

    Puppymum Registered Users

    Sep 26, 2020
    Hi New to the group and was wondering how you are going with your pups. I have a 12 week old yellow boy and will be getting a black boy in 3 more weeks (he’s current 5 weeks old) and I’m going I’m doing the right thing. I boy will be mine the others my son and his gf (both 24) and still living at home. Any advice on how to ensure they get alone will be appreciated.
  14. Soozeq

    Soozeq Registered Users

    Jan 7, 2019
    Hi - well, one of them turned 2 years a couple of months ago and the other is 2 next week. They are amazing and we absolutely do not regret the decision to get them both at the same time. I had read so many bad opinions about it that I was in a complete state of stress when they both first arrived. Don't get me wrong - it was difficult and they were a handful but I am pleased to say that they are both now delightful. They get on really well, they play together, eat together, groom each other, sleep together and are pretty inseparable! However, a few hints to help you....
    1. train them seperately. I took them both to classes for almost 6 months (one just fell into the older dog category whilst the other was still in the puppy class). Our trainer actually said she would have refused to have them in the same class, but I was on my own so it would have been difficult to handle them both. If there are two of you doing the training, then they may allow it
    2. Take them out (initially) separately also - not for long, but it will enable you to focus on the one dog and get them into a way of behaving without them being distracted by the other dog
    3. Do play them off against each other! Probably wouldn't do it with your children, but with dogs they love the competition of seeing who can come back to you quickest/first etc. or who can be the first to bring you the ball back etc. If you have one dog who is a bit more obedient then use them to 'teach' the other dog - it does work
    4. Once they have got the basic training in place then do try out some gundog training techniques (we used place boards, retrieval of dummies etc and they love it!). Again, probably best to do them separately at first
    5. initially we fed them separately too - just because when they were young one of them would try to eat the other's food, but now we feed them side by side and they are fine
    6. Keep them in separate crates for a while. Ours only started sleeping without crates next to each other in normal beds when they were about 10 months. The older dog was allowed first for a couple of months until the younger one was able to cope with it more
    7. Take the plunge (if you are in UK) and buy Tuffies beds - expensive but you will not regret it
    Now we take them out off lead twice a day and have no issues with their recall (we did use the book Total Recall earlier this year as the younger dog had started to ignore the whistle, but he's back to being spot on again now. We also now use a ball on the walk and they don't go very far because they are obsessed with it!).
    We have not had any issues with aggression or 'alpha dog' type stuff (don't really believe in that as these are our second lot of two male dogs and the other two never had any issues either). Their play fighting did look quite full on in the early days and they could get very boisterous, but I read that if they spontaneously stop and wander off to do something else then it is just playing. I also read that if one dog keeps going back for more (even if it looks like they are the underdog) then it probably means they are enjoying it. I have realised this is true - they will chase each other and roll each other and goad each other. There has never been any growling, yelping or blood (lol!) and five minutes later they are cuddled up on the sofa. If I do feel it is getting a bit much then I will just give a stern 'enough!' and they will stop - again, I also read that if they will stop on your command then it is just play.
    Despite them being so close, they definitely have very different personalities - one is very soppy and affectionate, the other is cheeky and playful. One never picks up anything in the house (except a dog toy) and the other will pick up most things, wander around with them (especially towels and cushions!) and bring them to me every chance he gets. One barks if someone comes to the door, the other can barely be bothered to get off the sofa. One is great on the lead (no pulling!) and the other is not so good - despite having the same training. Love them to bits...!
    Puppymum and Joy like this.
  15. Joy

    Joy Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2014
    Great to read your update @Soozeq . You have obviously put a lot of time and effort into training your dogs and have well-deserved success.
  16. Puppymum

    Puppymum Registered Users

    Sep 26, 2020
    Thank you so much for such a detailed response. You have really put my mind to rest. I’m really looking forward to adding our Black boy to the family in 2 more weeks and can now stop stressing .

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