crazy 7 month old lab

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by John424242, Jan 12, 2019.

  1. John424242

    John424242 Registered Users

    Jan 12, 2019
    hi, my 7 Month old lab has recently been acting up. She has been going crazy for basically no reason for the past few days. before then she has been great for the most part. now, sometimes im just sitting with her in my back yard and she will charge at me and start jumping and biting at me. i generally just give her a timeout for this but its getting harder to do so with her size. does anyone know why she is doing this or what to do about it? any feedback is appreciated and thanks!
  2. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Hi @John424242

    I think we need more information. Is she charging around the garden or just charging at you? Does she do it only when you have your barked turned to her? What happened in the hour before the behaviour at issue? Any triggers you can think of? How long does it last? Are you able to interrupt the behaviour easily? How much exercise does she get?
  3. John424242

    John424242 Registered Users

    Jan 12, 2019

    she is running around the garden, then jumping at me and doing another loop. she gets 2-3 walks a day and it lasts until i can get her to calm down. she will generaly stop if i can restrain her for a second, but that can be car from her size. she mostly does it after she sees a squirel. last time she did it i was taking her out for a bathroom break and i wouldnt let her go after a dove.
  4. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Hi @John424242

    From your description it sounds as if it is either

    1. FRAP aka zoomies Please read the following

    2. She is frustrated. And letting out her frustation on you

    3. She does not know how to play properly

    I am sorry that I can't narrow it down. I'd really like to see a film of her before, during and after an episode,

    There is not much you can do for the first one. Sh'll grow out of it.

    For 2 and 3 you need to work on obedience training. If you are currently not attending a class, then I would enrol in a class that emphasizes positive reinforcement, particularly one that uses a bit of shaping. You mention that the dog gets 2 or 3 walks. Dogs of 7 months do not need a lot of physical exercise. Instead they need mental exercise. The shaping will help to give her quite a bit of mental stimulation, and tire her out.

    Let us know how you go.
  5. John424242

    John424242 Registered Users

    Jan 12, 2019
    Thank you! I read the article on the zoomies and that sounds right. she has definently been bored because she doesn't want to play outside as much because its been raining alot for the past few days.
  6. John424242

    John424242 Registered Users

    Jan 12, 2019
    Oh i forgot to mention we did a training class and we are doing another one pretty soon. we practice her commands daily and teaching her some tricks just for fun. she knows all her important commands fairly well.
  7. WillowA

    WillowA Registered Users

    Nov 21, 2018
    My 15 month old puppy jumps at me and mouths my hand she flies at me when I am sitting on the sofa it's normally an hour away from her dinner time or she gets restless and comes for attention if she wants to go out for the toilet.

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