Dog reluctance to wee.

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Holly Chocolate Loveheart, Feb 21, 2019.

  1. Holly Chocolate Loveheart

    Holly Chocolate Loveheart Registered Users

    May 29, 2017
    my dog won’t wee in our garden at all so we have to take her out to get her to go. She gets 3 walks plus we always take her down the road last thing to wee. Thing is that she often will not go; she looks like she is about to and then she changes her mind. Also she is reluctant to go outside last thing; she just wants to go to bed. OH to take her out briefly this morning and she didn’t go; this means that she did a wee at about half four yesterday and she hasn’t been since (half 8 am now). I know she won’t have an accident, but is this normal? It’s like she can only wee in very particular places or she’s saving it for her big walk..
  2. Debs

    Debs Registered Users

    Mar 2, 2014
    I have had something similar with my young dog. She will hold and not wee or poo in the garden if she thinks we are going out for a walk. If we are not out first thing, I have to stand with her in the garden and tell her to do a wee, and eventually she will concede and go. It's taken months of me standing and waiting and she is now beginning to get the idea that nothing is happening until she has been!!
  3. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Hi @Holly Chocolate Loveheart

    Although its going to be a long process, I suggest you teach your dog to urinate on cue. You will use capturing and treats to put the behaviour under a cue such as wee. Once it is reliable you can over sessions move closer and closer to your back garden as the intended urination spot. Give jackpots initially for such behaviour.

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