Dog suddenly refuses to get onto the car

Discussion in 'Labrador Training' started by Gwyne501, Feb 15, 2019.

  1. Gwyne501

    Gwyne501 Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2018
    Hi, Ollie is 18 months old and has always loved the car, it means walks down the park with his doggie friends. Recently he is refusing to get into the car. He wags his tail and looks eager, but when I open the car door he sniffs the car and then will not jump in. I have valeted the car, tried treats, encouragement etc, but he just will not get in. I need the car to get him to the park. Not sure what else do do.
  2. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Hi @Gwyne501

    Welcome to the forum.

    Strange behaviour. It's difficult to work out a training plan when one does know the source of the problem. So I'll brainstorm. Maybe something will ring true.

    1. Did he have an argument with one of the dogs at the park?
    2. Are you asking him to get in through another door? Is he required to sit in a new place in the car?
    3. Is he having trouble jumping (up into the car)?
    4. Does the ground where you have parked have a new scent?
    5. Did you wash the underneath of the car?
    6. Was he car sick on his last trip?
    7. Will he get in someone else's car?
    Gwyne501 likes this.
  3. Sarge Brown

    Sarge Brown Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2019
    In the realm of brainstorming——I have a four year old golden retriever that did this. In our case we learned he has sight issues and I think he became afraid to jump into the car because he couldn’t see well enough (he was quite young, maybe 7 months). I bought him a ramp, and after three or four practice sessions he uses that without balking. So, even though your pup probably doesn’t suffer from disability, he might prefer walking regally into the car instead of hopping in as he used to do
    Gwyne501 likes this.
  4. Gwyne501

    Gwyne501 Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2018
    It started a few weeks ago, when once or twice he would not get in the car to come home, again sniffing the car, after much coaxing and half an hour later, had to walk him home which he was happy to do and go back for the car. He would get in the car to go down the park. Then suddenly it stopped. He does like to roll in go. Pop, so I thought it might be that, so cleaned the car. Even put one of his own blankets in there. He was his tail, does not back away, but after sniffing will not get in. Have looked at your brainstorm and nothing comes to mind. Will try him in my daughters car on Monday and see what happens. Need him to get on the car, end of.
  5. CamK

    CamK Registered Users

    Feb 9, 2017
    Minnesota, USA
    Might he have played a little strenuously and it hurts to jump? We have had a couple mysterious injuries. Try a ramp?

    What scent might be in the car? I do furniture refinishing and try to keep the stinky stuff away from the dogs and their sensitive noses but have not always been careful enuf.
    Gwyne501 likes this.
  6. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    What happened, Gwyne?
  7. Gwyne501

    Gwyne501 Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2018
    Daughter has not popped down yet. Have bought a new blanket, put it on the sofa for him to lie on and get his scent and cleaned car again. I am not well today, so will try again later or tomorrow. So frustrating, he loves his park walks, but without the car I cannot get him to the park. Silly boy!!
  8. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Okay thanks for letting me know. I would like to find a solution for you and your dog. Get well soon @Gwyne501
  9. Scooby99

    Scooby99 Registered Users

    Feb 22, 2019
    New Jersey
    I am going to say that to me it sounds as if he is scenting something in the car. When my boy was just over a year, he suddenly refused to get in the car (try dealing with this when your dog is scheduled to be in training class in a few minutes and you don't know what to do.) i do know this, my boy is a master manipulator (he truly is an excellent dog and I have never wanted him to be a robot). In other words, within reason, I allow him to be manipulative. Labs are highly food driven. Offer him any one of his favorites and he would give me the world! At times, when he holds out, for example because he wants to stay at the park and play ball forever, i have to go through the whole list before he feels the deal is fair enough to leave the park (chicken broth, cauliflower, peanut butter, banana). Fortunately for him, I always have to keep my promise. unfortunately for me, he remembers every food item I promised so when we get home he will remind me if I forgot one of the promises.

    How about trying this.....use peanut butter to convince him to get into the car and just practice this without driving the car (it worked for us). Then again, I drive a Chevy Equinox which I specifically selected because the rear seat moves back so he can get in and out of the car easily. Trying to get him into the cadillac sedan , we gave up on (it just is not comfortable for him).

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