As above. Hunter's never been very bitey. He was a big mouther, from the moment we got him, but was always pretty gentle unless he cought you while playing. He seemed to stop with all mouhing, except at night when he liked to sit with your finger in his mouth almost like a baby ♀️. But for the past week or so he has gone back to being very very mouthy, and he's not very gentle. It hurts! He seems to like grabbing my wrist. We've been doing the whole ignore and turn your back for 30 seconds when he does it but I was wondering if it's a teething thing, he's definitely chewing harder on his toys too.
Hi @Andrea0408, He could be teething. Give him a toy or frozen kong to chew on. When he goes to bite your wrist, then redirect his mouth onto a tug toy. Let him play with that tug toy only when you're interacting with him. It's not to be left out as a toy. You will let him win the tug sometimes. If tries to bite you, then time out. Put him in an area he can't get into any trouble for say 3 minutes. When he comes out all is forgotten.
I already do redirect, or I just (usually) keep a toy within arms reach to grab when (if!) I see him going for my wrist. I just wondered if teething was a thing for puppies. He loves frozen kongs (gets 2x day) and gets the odd frozen carrot. Just hope as a phase it doesn't last too long!
16 weeks is the age my pup started teething. The teething phase doesnt last very long and is controlable with a bit of training. Teething is most certainly a thing for puppies. Also, dont be worried if his gums bleed a little bit. just give him lots of toys to chew on and continue training him not to bite and he should be good.