I have a 7 year old labrador who was diagnosed with arthritis. We were advised the best thing for him would be to loose weight. Please can anyone recommend the best food for an overweight lab? He currently gets wainbrights dry food mixed with wainbrights meat. Thanks
You don’t have to change foods you just have to not give them as much. Cut out the extras and any treats should come out of the daily ration.
Just feed less and excerise more of his arthritis allows . Wainwright’s dry is a complete food so maybe cut out the meat as a start ?
Hi @Birchie yes, one of the very best management tools we have for arthritis is weight management. You don't need a spevial food to help your boy, just reduce the quantity given at meal times. Ensure that all treats are built into the daily food alliwance and reduce the foodcquantity to allow for them. Keeping your dog slim is what we shoukd all aim for, not jyst because if arthritis as being kverweight has numerous health problems linked to it. There are many ither things to consider to help your arthritic dog lead a comfortable life which involves supplements, medication, home changes - reducing slippery floors etc, no stairs, no jumping, no running for balls. Post edited by our mods team. See the forum guidelines for more information
Based on what we know about human obesity and weight gain, a low-carb diet is best - it's best for humans and even better for dogs(!). As such, I can't recommend any kibble because it's inevitably high in carbs - even grain free kibble is high in, say, sweet potato etc - the kibble needs starch to stick together and form pellets. I would suggest raw, personally...