7 month old peeing problem

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by clarabel18, Mar 18, 2019.

  1. clarabel18

    clarabel18 Registered Users

    Mar 7, 2019
    Hello fellow lab lovers!

    So my beautiful baby Clarabel just got spayed 3 weeks ago, and has returned to her normal self this last Friday after having her staples removed. Well, Saturday she put her front paws on the front of the couch, back paws on the ground holding herself up and just began peeing standing up. It wasn't a lot, and my immediate response was to scoop her 60 pound body up and carry her outside to finish her business. To be honest, I was quite baffled in the moment and didn't even know how to process what had just happened.

    In the last 3 months, she's hardly peed in the house. Although it was a rough start with her since I am a first time dog owner and I definitely 100% blame my own lack of knowledge, I would think at 7 months I should be proud of her ability to go to the door so I can take her out. She never poops in the house, she's only done it a small handful of times, one of which was her first night in my home so I expected it.

    So I suppose I'm just wondering if anyone has any idea why she may have done this? I take her out very often; if we have a good tug-of-war session, after she drinks a ton of water, or really after any time she gets really excited and playful in the house. And of course, if she goes to the door.
  2. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    Unfortunately, one side effect of spaying (which vets rarely tell people about) is spay-induced incontinence: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11787155

    This usually occurs when the dog is lying down - some urine seeps out and the dog is unaware of it. So it's a bit strange for her to be standing up... But if it occurs again I'd definitely mention it to your vet. A life time of medication lies ahead, to control it. Hopefully she just had an accident.

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