Maggie says Hello

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by BacktoBlack, Apr 15, 2019.

  1. BacktoBlack

    BacktoBlack Registered Users

    Apr 3, 2019
    Maggie our 3rd lab is a pretty black girl just turned 5 months. Our first was a black girl, second Lilly passed at 14 yrs this past aug.
    Maggie broke a shoulder bone and spent about 7 weeks in her kennel. Talk about not letting out her energy!

    Im sure (or I would like to think) it is normal to be over protective now. She was let of lead to run through a path/woods area. If she could speak she would be yelling "Im free Im free"! At the time I wasn't nervous but now today I would love to take her again but am worried she will either re-injure her shoulder or hurt something else. Like most labs she goes 90 mph Should I not let her? Am I just being over cautious and is it a good thing? I don't want to keep her from having such a good time, but Im a worry wort now, ugh!
    First she was on lead then off then back on, but clearly off she was having the time of her life!
    Hope its ok to put this her if not let me know :)
  2. lucy@labforumHQ

    lucy@labforumHQ Administrator Forum Supporter

    Oct 14, 2013
    It's so normal to worry after a horrible experience like this, especially because they can't understand our hesitance on their behalf! I bet Maggie really was thrilled to be free :)

    Did the vet give you any parameters for reintroducing exercise? Has she had a check up since then? I'm sure they won't mind if you give them a ring and ask for guidance on this one. Do let us know how she gets along!
  3. Daniel Boldero

    Daniel Boldero Registered Users

    Feb 3, 2019
    Hi backtoblack,
    I know this post won't be much of a help but wanted to say sorry to hear about the hard time Maggie got herself into :(, as Lucy asked didn't the vet give a recovery time of sorts ?.

    If i were you and time wise you have past over the vets suggested recovery period (if given 1) I would do 50% on lead 50% off least that's half the chance of her damaging herself again. Probably feels like a long time but im sure she will be whipping up the leaves as Maggie thunders through the woods once again off lead :).

    Good luck with it and let us know how you get on.
  4. BacktoBlack

    BacktoBlack Registered Users

    Apr 3, 2019
    Hi, this has been a great learning experience that is for sure. My first original vet had referred me to another friend vet and said she would need surgery, she had me so freaked out. She even went as far to say she probably wouldn't be doing any agility courses. Now the second vet was saying surgery from her X-rays that were texted, Id like to think he wouldn't have done surgery and just gave it more time but I wasn't finding out. Asked a neighbor (he also has a black lab) and he called his surgeon vet friend who was willing to see Maggie that day. I apologize if I made it sound like soon as he released her it was a free for all. This was after a slow adjustment back. Which was really hard as she only limped the first 4? days then never again, she acted totally fine almost the entire time.
    I should say how she broke it...she ran into a pvc pipe that stuck out from house (worst part is I said we should cut it shorter...I had a feeling she would run into it as she was growing taller, ugh)
  5. BacktoBlack

    BacktoBlack Registered Users

    Apr 3, 2019
    I hope I cleared that up see above. The "woods" are not a true woods as its cleared a bit and off a trail, so maybe I should be saying trail, lol Ill have to read the thread on posting pics and vids so I can show her there.
    Would you take off her harness if not heavily wooded? Thanks
  6. Daniel Boldero

    Daniel Boldero Registered Users

    Feb 3, 2019
    Yeah I probably would if it's a harness which looks like Maggie has taken up abseiling :), straps galore etc. But as you said it's more of a trail than a wood and depending on harness type its really your call :). If you want help with uploading pics you can pm me no probs.
  7. BacktoBlack

    BacktoBlack Registered Users

    Apr 3, 2019
    @Daniel Boldero Yes... its quite bulky its a ruff wear. Its not a dense wooded area, which is good in most spots I can see approaching people animals etc.

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