How to End a Training Session

Discussion in 'Labrador Training' started by Carrie_F, Apr 27, 2019.

  1. Carrie_F

    Carrie_F Registered Users

    Apr 14, 2019
    First post. :)

    I’ve started some clicker training with our 13 month old lab.

    We’ve been too lax with training her—and now have a 65 lb dog with more energy and strength than she knows what to do with.

    I have her registered for a Positive Training course starting next month, but have been working through Peggy Tillman’s Clicking with Your Dog book in the meantime.

    My question is how to best end each 2-3 minute training session. She responds well to the clicking, and seems to enjoy it, but once I’m done (it’s been 3 minutes, the treats are gone, etc.), she stares at me and sometimes starts barking or pawing at me.

    Is there some consistent way to communicate “All done for now!” I don’t want her thinking she’s done something wrong.

  2. Carrie_F

    Carrie_F Registered Users

    Apr 14, 2019
    I may have found an answer to my question, and will copy the link here in case others have a similar situation. :)

    Going forward, I will simply end the session by moving her along to some other positively reinforcing activity, like a freshly stuffed kong to chew.
    Ruth Buckley likes this.
  3. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Hi Carrie and welcome to the forum :). Thanks for posting that helpful link. As you can see there is no clear cut right or wrong answer to that question, it's about observing how your behaviour impacts on your dog. Some people end a session with a game of tug or throwing a few retrieves. If I'm training indoors I usually let my dogs outside after a session to play or potter about in the garden. With a single dog it's a little different. Let us know what you decide to do or change, if anything, and how it affects your dog.
    Carrie_F likes this.
  4. Carrie_F

    Carrie_F Registered Users

    Apr 14, 2019
    Thanks so much, Pippa! I also have your books, The Labrador Handbook and Total Recall. :) I’m a little overwhelmed with (good!) information right now, but this forum and site are very helpful and supportive.
  5. AlliumPurpleSensation

    AlliumPurpleSensation Registered Users

    Jun 3, 2018
    I show my dog two open flat hands facing him so he knows that's is time to go and do his own thing.
    Carrie_F likes this.
  6. Ruth Buckley

    Ruth Buckley Registered Users

    Jan 31, 2018
    I don't know if I do this right but I end training/games with long stays with distractions. The distractions can include making a coffee and even taking it up stairs to my partner or washing dishes. I continue to intermittently reward calm behaviour so there isn't an obvious end to the ''session'.
    Carrie_F likes this.

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