Update on Kyko at almost 10 months

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by leighxxxx, Apr 29, 2019.

  1. leighxxxx

    leighxxxx Registered Users

    May 29, 2018
    Hi everyone been away from the forum since November, but thought I'd give everyone an update on how Kyko is coming along, he'll be 10 months on the 10th July.


    He has turned into a big boy & has just started to cock his leg for wee's & is now much calmer around people. Sleeps consistently from around 10.30pm until our alarm goes off at 6.45am or 7am on the weekends. Out for wee/poo then breakfast.
    He's still overly excited by other dogs, which I know was my fault for socialising him wrong when he was a puppy (if ever get another puppy they would be going to puppy classes straight away).
    He now jumps happily into the car & doesn't fuss while in there, although still doesn't relax enough to lie down or sleep in fact on longer journeys will sleep sitting up.
    We signed him up to beginner classes as we were having issues with getting his attention around dogs & with recall & happy to say he has one class left which will be his assessment. The trainer has basically told me not to worry, as even on his 'bad' days he's still very well behaved. His walking on a loose lead has come on leaps and bounds & he's around 90% of the time coming back when called, when there are no distractions that is so still a work in progress. Our local rehoming shelter hires out their paddock for dogs for a donation, so we went there yesterday for the first time & we will be going regularly from now on. Once he is coming back to us 100% of the time, they also have a fenced off wooded area we can use. It will be a work in progress but we will put in the time & work required.
    His trainer has picked up on how quick he is to pick things up & we are currently considering signing him up for barkour classes, as he has enjoyed the bits & pieces he has tried so far. We just need to consider the distance to class first as they are an hour away.
    Anyway the 1st 10 months have been a joy with Kyko & he is much loved & adored, & with the training in place I'm sure we'll crack the dog reactivity eventually, we can at least for now walk on the opposite side of the road past most dogs without him lunging over
    Saffy/isla, lucy@labforumHQ and Edp like this.

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