Need help !!

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Madone, Mar 29, 2019.

  1. Madone

    Madone Registered Users

    Nov 14, 2017
    My Lab was spayed now going on 16 days and is on strict crate rest, the vet says she is a bleeder and needs at least 5 more days like that. I am trying to get energy out of her by feeding her in a puzzle toy with as much limited movement as possible, tried sent work but after all these days she is waiting to explode with so much energy. I cannot let her out in restricted space in the house because she goes crazy cannot stay calm. I AM THINKING TO MUSH HER KIBBLES FOR HER NEXT MEAL AND FREEZE THEM IN A KONG. CAN I FEED HER FROZEN KIBBLES IN A KONG, IS IT SAFE?

    Also has anyone ever had issues with a dog being spayed needing that much rest. The poor dog still wearing her cone and a T shirt. I feel so bad and desperate to help her out. Taking her out for potty is like taking a bull on dental floss for a walk she wants to let loose.

    Thank you
  2. WillowA

    WillowA Registered Users

    Nov 21, 2018
    How awful for and the poor dog.
    I have given my Willow a frozen kong with kibble in the middle and wet food at the end.
  3. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    I don't think that is acceptable advice from a vet. It's really quite damaging for the dog - psychologically - to be crated for 21 days continuously. Goodness. I've never heard of a 'bleeder' needing 21 days of crate rest. I would get a 2nd opinion from another vet and/or I would tell the vet this advice isn't acceptable or realistic - not without sedation or further medication.
  4. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    It does sound would the vet know she is a “bleeder” unless they have done some clotting studies which are not routinely done for a spay. My dogs have all self limited, I have had 3 girls done. They usually potter about initially then increase slowly but I didn’t take them miles for a couple of weeks. Why is she still wearing a cone and t shirt...her wound should be nicely healed by now. As Jo says...maybe another chat with your vet or another one and yes...get freezing anything in a Kong. I used to put potted meat at the bottom of zmegs king, kept her occupied for ages .
  5. cetdam

    cetdam Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2019
    Poor dog(((
  6. Natalya Abuaita

    Natalya Abuaita Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Belfast, Northern Ireland

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