Puppy & work

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Kiwi, May 17, 2019.

  1. Kiwi

    Kiwi Registered Users

    May 16, 2019
    I’ve just discovered this site and have been reading and learning loads:) I have also just realised I posted this in Labrador training by mistakeso I putting it here too
    I would really like a lab puppy, I’ve had labradors before and lost my last one six years ago. Now I have to work, I am fortunate that I get all weekends and school holidays off, when I work i would leave at 8am and myself or children would be home about 3.30. My intention would be to get a puppy at the beginning of the summer holidays, using the holidays to begin training, settling the dog in and getting it used to being alone. When at work I am planning on getting someone in halfway through the day, initially to let puppy out and play, when it’s older for a walk. I am trying to plan everything now before I commit to an animal, so I am absolutely sure I can do it. Does anyone have anything else I should be thinking about? Am I planning this correctly? Thank you:)
  2. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    I am sure that people do manage to work, have kids and leave a puppy home all day, but it's not ideal.
    Some things you may want to think about;
    How old are the kids? Do they have after school clubs, weekend activities, birtday parties to go to etc?
    When old enough (by winter) if the dog is going to be at home alone all day, do you have time to take it for an hour walk every morning while getting the kids ready for school and every evening?
    A young pup would need to be crated for it's safety so would, in effect be in the crate from 8am until your dog walker comes at lunchtime, then lunchtime until 3,30, then all night.
    Sorry that this sounds really negative, but pups are hard work and very time consuming.
  3. lucy@labforumHQ

    lucy@labforumHQ Administrator Forum Supporter

    Oct 14, 2013
    Hi Kiwi, Welcome to the forum.

    This article has lots of helpful information for potential puppy parents that work full time: https://www.thelabradorsite.com/combining-a-labrador-puppy-with-full-time-work/

    Arranging proper care during the day can be expensive if you don't have friends or family that are able to help out, but it is possible if you have the funds in place and do your research.

    Let us know what you decide!
  4. jbg

    jbg Registered Users

    Feb 5, 2019
    Chicago, IL
    I think you have a great plan in place. With our previous Labs after about 4 months old they were fine in the crate for about the amount of time you describe what will happen when school goes back. I think you have covered all of your bases to give him/her a great start with you this summer!! It will be busy and the more time you can devote to him/her/training this summer the better off you'll be when you go back to work in the fall!! Good luck and enjoy :)
  5. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    Personally - and as a trainer and behaviourist who gets called in to pick up the pieces when these things don't work out - I can't advise having a puppy and working.

    It's simply not fair on the puppy. It's always the puppy that pays the price and they didn't ask to go to a home where they'd be left alone for hours, every day.

    Puppies are 'babies' and they need as much input, time and attention as babies at first. And there are long-term effects on what they grow up to become, if you don't provide that input. As a breeder, we won't place puppies in homes where people work full time. Our puppies deserve more and better than that.

    With those kind of work hours, I would recommend looking for an adult rescue Labrador who has no issues being left alone. It still would be non-ideal, but if someone can walk the dog in the middle of the day, it would be do-able.
    Harry's Mum likes this.

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