Hi, my 11 month old lab aero has a big operation today. He is basically having his leg broken and fragments taken from his elbow. He can’t jump on the sofa or go up the stairs etc for 10 weeks. I’m obviously really sad for him but my main concern is stopping him jumping on the sofa and making sure my 2 children aged 6 and 9 don’t try to encourage him to do too much (10 weeks is a lifetime to them) . Has anybody got and tips?
It is so massively important that he rests properly for this to heel. As such, I think I would be putting him in a crate. Only out on lead for a wee when necessary. Maybe after a week or 2 you could let him out in the living room after the children have gone to bed. Really sorry to hear that you are going through this with your pup. Do you mind me asking if his parents were elbow scored?