6 month old pup overexcited one day, overtired the next??

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by HobbsMagee, May 24, 2019.

  1. HobbsMagee

    HobbsMagee Registered Users

    May 22, 2019
    Hi there! We are the very proud parents of a 6.5 month old yellow male lab named Hobbs. We met him at the breeders when he was 1 week old and he's been home with us from 8.5 weeks. The last few months have been a roller coaster ride but we're all doing really well with the training, he's grown into a strong healthy boy, and the lounge is still intact <winning!> I almost posted a couple of days ago with an over-excitement problem - he was jumping up at me and nipping at my wrists to get me engaged in play but with more consistent "walking out the room" and disengagement from me that seems to have stopped. The last couple of days he is the complete opposite! He's amazingly well behaved (except for pruning the trees), seems to be quite happy most of the time, but he's also sleeping alot, been a bit lethargic and drooling more than usual. Could this just be the last of the teething? Last time I took him to the vet when I thought he was lethargic he got to the vet and was bouncing around with excitement to see him <face palm> so not too keen to take him back if I'm just over-thinking things. Any advice is much appreciated :) Cheers, Cindy
  2. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    Well, it's hard to say - because you know your dog - but I do have to say that some owners run to the vets at every opportunity when there's nothing wrong. And then there are people whose dogs' legs could fall off and they don't go - so it's hard to give advice on that one, online...
  3. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    If the lethargy lasts for a week, then I'd be concerned and take him to the vet. When you look around in his mouth what do you see? Healthy gums? Or a puppy tooth that has not dislodged. If the latter go to the vet straight away.
  4. HobbsMagee

    HobbsMagee Registered Users

    May 22, 2019
    Mouth looks good, no puppy teeth left and the gums look good.

    I actually found a new vet to go and see and she was amazing! Gentle, thorough and not dismissive of my concerns which was wonderful :) She suggested the drooling and licking was most likely nausea, coupled with a bit of diarrhea yesterday she thinks he's probably got hold of something that's upset his stomach. All vital signs are good though and he did have more energy today and alot less licking/drooling so think he's on the improve. On a bland diet for a couple of days and will keep an eye on him.

    Thank you both for you advice! I tell you if I had 3 wishes 1 would definitely be for Hobbs to speak English so he could tell me what was up! :p

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