Leptospirosis Vaccination

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Laz_25, May 25, 2019.

  1. Laz_25

    Laz_25 Registered Users

    May 22, 2019
    Hi - we our picking up our black lab pup next Sunday and she will be just shy of 10 weeks old. She had her first vaccinations this week (8 1/2 weeks old) one of which was the L2 version of the leptospirosis vaccination. Since then I have spoken to several of my local vets to find out which one does the same vaccination and in doing this I have come across the L4 version which covers more strains of leptosiprosis. I've found one vet that only does L2 so she could continue and have her 2nd vaccination there. But another said that if we went there she would have L4 and would have to start the vaccination process again meaning she can't 'officially' go outside until she is about 15 weeks old which seems quite late. I don't know whats best to do? Provide better cover or prolong going out at an important time for socialisation? Can anyone help with this conundrum please??
  2. edzbird

    edzbird Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2015
    Isle of Man
    If your vet recommends the L4 then that's what I would go with. You can still take your pup out for socialising, just keep her off the ground.
  3. Ruth Buckley

    Ruth Buckley Registered Users

    Jan 31, 2018
    I'm sure I read a thread on here that said that puppies were reasonably protected after their first shot. I might have got that wrong though and have never even owned a puppy, (having owned two rescues I spend a lot of time thinking about what I would have done if I'd had them from puppies). Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will come along to help. It's a question of balancing the risks I guess and as the consequences of missing out on socialisation are life long I'd be concerned about missing so much. Is leptospirosis common where you are? Why did the first vet give lepto 2 if it's not appropriate?
  4. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    I think you need to research the lepto vaccine. Personally, I don't give it at all - and I have a vet who works with me and gives only DHP, and no leptospirosis vaccine - either 2 or 4. As a breeder, I tell my puppy buyers not to give it and give them a lot of research and info to equip them to have that conversation with their vet.

    • The lepto vaccine lasts only 9 months, not even a full year.
    • There are 200+ serovars and 7 are responsible for lepto in dogs or people - and the vaccine covers only 2 or 4 of them.
    • Dogs in the US are not vaccinated for lepto unless requested by their owners - it is not routinely given to new puppies in North America. Yet they have the same incidence as lepto as we do.
    • When it IS given in North America, it is given to older puppies with more developed immune systems - it should never be given to young 8 week old puppies.
    • It is not a 'core' vaccine.
    • It is responsible for more vaccine reactions than any other vaccine on the market - because it is a bacterial vaccine.
    • Lepto is allegedly transmitted by rats yet even human sewer workers do not receive the lepto vaccine - for all the above reasons.
    Here is a Facebook group with more information: https://www.facebook.com/groups/322967551247441/ Do read the case studies and the experiences in the Files and listed in the group before giving this vaccine.

    Personally, if I were you, I would not give a 2nd vaccination containing the lepto. Just give the DHP or DHPPi (the Pi bit means Parainfluenza - some vets only stock DHPPi and don't stock just DHP - but parainfluenza isn't really responsible for many reactions so it's ok to give that as well if you can't get just the DHP).

    If a vet tries to tell you they can't do this and you MUST give lepto, tell them that you know they can use saline as an adjuvent for the DHPPi or DHP - they do not need to use L2 or L4 to mix with it.

    If for whatever reason you REALLY want to give some kind of lepto jab (and have read and researched this thoroughly), then give only the L2. This will boost the previous L2 your pup has already had. Use that vet who has the L2, just for vaccinations, if needed.

    You PAY the vet. They can't FORCE you to give your puppy any vaccination. You are employing them. You take their advice, but ultimately it is your dog and YOU make the decision about the treatment which occurs.

    As I said above - the lepto vaccination only lasts 9 months. My dogs are 12yo and 5yo. They have not been vaccinated since they were 5yo and 1yo (respectively). This means they are completely unprotected against lepto. They run daily through marshes and we have a recurring rats nest in the garden (long story). Neither of them have contracted lepto. Taking your puppy out is the same risk now, as it would be if you allow vaccines to lapse later on. Your puppy will already have had 2 doses of DHP - the core vaccines - and will be completely protected against parvo, distemper and hepatitis. The first two, are the main two diseases to be concerned about. With 2 vaccines given for those, you are fine to take your puppy out.

    Really, you need to research this subject entirely - because sadly vets just follow information on vaccine packets and really don't understand immunology (the vast majority of them). To advocate for your dog, you need to do independent research. You might want to listen to this podcast episode as an introduction: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podca...-on-pet-vaccines/id1342712755?i=1000422491382
  5. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
  6. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    I thought I would update this thread in the light of some sad news.
    A friend’s 18 month old Finnish Lapphund was put to sleep this morning having contracted leptospirosis in a stream on Monday. He was unvaccinated on the advise of the breeder who knew of a dog that had died from the vaccine. They are clearly distraught at losing such young dog to something that could have been prevented.
    Do any research you can and make up your own minds so if something like this happens you know you made the right decision at the time.
  7. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Heartbreaking, just so sad. My dogs always have it but they are in water daily, just not worth the risk, for us anyhow.
  8. kashon.alexandre

    kashon.alexandre Registered Users

    Dec 23, 2021
    I would have done if I'd had them from puppies. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will come along to help.

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