Rosie thinks her water bowl is for paws Argh!

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by DizzyDaisy, May 27, 2019.

  1. DizzyDaisy

    DizzyDaisy Registered Users

    Nov 21, 2017
    Ontario, Canada
    Rosie up until a few weeks ago was good with her water bowl using it appropriately but around 6 months of age she decided it was more fun to stick her paws in, pull the bowl towards her and in process spill it everywhere. I have tried putting a towel under (nope - she pulls towel), put less water in bowl and tried stopping her each time (still ends up with water everywhere) and tried to build it up higher by putting her bowl inside a heavy ceramic garden pot with bricks in bottom so she can’t move it. She still paws at water and water ends up everywhere. My kitchen is small and the wet floor is slippery so I can’t just ignore it.
    I am currently asking her if she needs a drink and then holding the bowl for her which is getting ridiculous.
    Any ideas how to get her to stop or will she outgrow this?
  2. Debs

    Debs Registered Users

    Mar 2, 2014
    Just try a heavy ceramic bowl that cant be moved. She'll get over it, just a puppy thing!
  3. Ski-Patroller

    Ski-Patroller Cooper, Terminally Cute

    Feb 8, 2016
    Portland, Oregon & Mt Hood Oregon
    A lot of pups are "Water Paddlers". Most of them get over it on their own. A heavy bowl may help, but she will probably paddle water out of it even if she can't move it.
  4. DizzyDaisy

    DizzyDaisy Registered Users

    Nov 21, 2017
    Ontario, Canada
    Yes it doesn’t matter what I use for a bowl, and I’ve tried super heavy and raised up and she still sticks both paws in and digs away. Oh well, just one more puppy challenge to overcome.
  5. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    Heavy ceramic spaniel bowls are good as they are angled inwards so reduce digging and splashing.
  6. DizzyDaisy

    DizzyDaisy Registered Users

    Nov 21, 2017
    Ontario, Canada
    Thanks 5labs but I've never heard of them - where would I find one? you are in UK?, I am in Canada. Maybe online?
  7. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Just looked on Canadian amazon...they have them. Not too expensive, worth a go :)
  8. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    Did you find one?
  9. DizzyDaisy

    DizzyDaisy Registered Users

    Nov 21, 2017
    Ontario, Canada
    I’ll let you know when I do! I had a quick peek at Amazon and wasn’t sure if they would make a difference really.

    I had concocted my own version using a large ceramic planter pot with bricks inside for weight and set the water bowl inside so it was slightly lower than the lip of the ceramic pot. She still used it like a wading pool. I think she may just have to grow out of it
  10. Elsie

    Elsie Registered Users

    Jan 18, 2017
    Our dog did this as a pup. A forum member (snowbunny) gave me the following advise, I did as she suggested and it worked.

    “Hehe, Luna was a monster for this! And, if she couldn't tip it over, she'd dig in it. So, to be honest, the size and weight of the water bowl was of no consequence. So, she ended up without free access to water; I just had to ensure I offered it to her frequently throughout the day. She's a very thirsty girl, so this meant every half hour or so”
  11. DizzyDaisy

    DizzyDaisy Registered Users

    Nov 21, 2017
    Ontario, Canada
    I purchased a raised bowl from WeatherTech hoping the shape of the bowl (egg shaped, not round) may deter her from messing around but no such luck. Ten seconds after I set it up she had paws in the water and was trying to pull it over.

    I’ve actually been keeping her bowl on the counter and offering it to her regularly. And holding the bowl while she drinks it!
  12. Maureen Winskill

    Maureen Winskill Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2019
    I am currently asking her if she needs a drink and then holding the bowl for her which is getting ridiculous.
    Any ideas how to get her to stop or will she outgrow this?[/QUOTE]

    My 5 mnth old labrador girl does the same! We have quite a big kitchen & i have a mop & floor cloth on permanent standby! I wondered 2 things; first was she seeing her reflection & then playing with it with her paw or was she trying to get something out of the drinking bowl?!! The reason for wondering about her reflection in the water is that she is fascinated by our long mirror & will stand for ages in front of it & putting her paws on it! Funny little oddity!! My kitchen floor has never been so clean!! It does make me laugh I have to admit as she is so delicate putting her paw in like she's fishing in a pond!
    DizzyDaisy likes this.
  13. DizzyDaisy

    DizzyDaisy Registered Users

    Nov 21, 2017
    Ontario, Canada

    My 5 mnth old labrador girl does the same! We have quite a big kitchen & i have a mop & floor cloth on permanent standby! I wondered 2 things; first was she seeing her reflection & then playing with it with her paw or was she trying to get something out of the drinking bowl?!! The reason for wondering about her reflection in the water is that she is fascinated by our long mirror & will stand for ages in front of it & putting her paws on it! Funny little oddity!! My kitchen floor has never been so clean!! It does make me laugh I have to admit as she is so delicate putting her paw in like she's fishing in a pond![/QUOTE]

    I wish Rosie was delicate! She goes in one paw first then if left to it long enough will have both paws in and digging or pulling the bowl. Quite the mess!!

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