This may sound dumb my puppy TOO calm?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Eileen_Wilson, Jun 25, 2019.

  1. Eileen_Wilson

    Eileen_Wilson Registered Users

    Jun 12, 2019
    This isn't meant as a "my puppy is so great I've done such a good job with him" humble brag type of thing. I'm genuinely wondering. My lab Wilson is 14 weeks old now, we've had him since 8 weeks old. He's really smart, we take him to puppy classes, work on training. He's super food motivated. But 95% of the time he's just incredibly...chill. He can happily sit in the corner of the kitchen and watch me cook for an hour. Or sit on his bed observing and maybe chewing a bully stick. He does have the occasional burst of energy maybe once or twice a day and he always gets excited to see my cat. But I was prepared for the crazy, bouncing off the wall lab puppy and he's just so...chill. Anyone have a similar experience? I'm not necessarily complaining I guess, just surprised. Maybe it'll change but he's been pretty laid back since we got him.
    BlackLabS20 and Deboragh like this.
  2. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Hi @Eileen_Wilson did the parents have a similarly low-key temperament?.If so, perhaps more along the lines of a guide dog disposition. Many, many years ago I had a similar Labrador.
    Deboragh likes this.
  3. Ryakki

    Ryakki Registered Users

    Apr 23, 2019
    In my experience Labradors are extremely chill compared to other dogs, maybe you just have an extra chill boy. When I first got Rusty I met an older couple who talked about how cute he was for a bit and then mentioned how I must the calm moments because Labs are so energetic and boisterous and I just laughed at them and asked them where they heard such a thing. I have had three labs and five dogs of other various breeds and all three labs were calmer than the calmest of any of the other breeds. In my opinion the 'Energetic Lab' Myth is one perpetuated by people who have realized that if we don't invent bad things to say about Labradors there won't be any other breeds of dog left to compare them with. xD
    BlackLabS20 and Deboragh like this.
  4. Eileen_Wilson

    Eileen_Wilson Registered Users

    Jun 12, 2019
    Yes actually. We were supposed to be on the next litter after the one our guy came from but the breeder told us that the couple that was ahead of us would be bumped to the following litter. They were looking for a hunting dog as well as training for SAR and the parents of this litter were so laid back that the pups likely wouldn't be the best candidates for high-drive training. So it does make sense! I just honestly didn't think the temperaments of the parents would have such a huge impact.
    Deboragh likes this.
  5. Eileen_Wilson

    Eileen_Wilson Registered Users

    Jun 12, 2019
    I love this! :D Its true, I bring him to play dates and day care and puppy school and everyone talks about how calm he is. I'd love to take credit but I haven't done anything super special! He's just incredibly laid back and after hearing how crazy, bouncy, boisterous, etc lab puppies are I worried I had a defective lab!
    Deboragh likes this.
  6. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Nature is a big component of a dog's temperament. I know a nurse who works in a hospice who breeds Golden Retrievers and uses them in the wards. She chooses the sires strictly on the basis of temperament.

    BUT please take credit. Bad training can result in problematic behaviour. So quietly and discreetly wag your tail too.
  7. leighxxxx

    leighxxxx Registered Users

    May 29, 2018
    my boy's pretty chill too, has his occasional moments but not often. The only time he gets boisterous is when another dog is thrown into the mix & now he's approaching 1 & with LAT training even that has started to calm down. He loves to sleep his days away but saying that throw a ball for him or off lead he will run till he drops. We also didn't have any biting, chewing & he slept through after 1 week
    Deboragh likes this.
  8. jbg

    jbg Registered Users

    Feb 5, 2019
    Chicago, IL
    As Michael said, do take some credit for sure!! And then, yes, count your blessings :) My Maggie, (7 months) has been an extra ordinary "chill" pup. She is our 4th Lab and funny enough I expected her to be the most active because she is a field dog. BUT, her parents were both very "chill", yet very accomplished and decorated field dogs. The breeder has told us that Maggies whole litter seems to be this way and they are so happy with it that they are going to repeat the same for her Moms 2nd and final litter! Enjoy your puppy, He sounds great!
    Deboragh likes this.
  9. Tokalosh

    Tokalosh Registered Users

    Aug 5, 2017
    Our max is and always has been very chilled, it was quite worrying to start with as a pup is supposed to be into everything and destroying your house but he didn't, just follows us around, loves everyone, I can honestly say he is the best dog ever, although now 2 I'm still waiting for him to chew something he is not supposed to, he never has, the only thing he dislikes are wood pigeons! He is from working parents, I'm hoping to get another 1next year- just got tell my OH , but j keep having this feeling that the next one will be a typical lab puppy and I'll regret it.
    Deboragh likes this.
  10. Kasia

    Kasia Registered Users

    Jan 4, 2021
    This is great to hear as my red fox is now 17 weeks and I have started to worry that he's too chilled! But when I am looking at other pups on the walks they seem a bit full on sometimes and he just sits next to me and watches them misbehave. I of course love his temperament and I do also get a lot of complements (even if there is nothing I've done haha) but this is also the reason why I have ended up on this forum and glad to hear I'm not alone! :)
    Deboragh likes this.
  11. Fiona Kerr

    Fiona Kerr Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2021
    I'm so glad to find this thread. We have the most amazingly calm 14 week old yellow lab who has been a dream since we got him at 8 weeks. I've been worrying that something is wrong as he is so calm! He'll happily stay near us and just lie at my feet. He doesn't pull on his lead and happily sleeps most of the day. I'm delighted of course but had started to worry he was sick (reminds of when my kids were babies and any little thing they did out of the ordinary had me panicking!). Great site. Thanks for reassuring me!
    AIB and AnnaC like this.

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