Good evening I have a two year old female labrador who we had spayed 12 months ago following her first season. Recently noticed her leaking urine when resting- although never overnight.. I have researched possible cause and read about spay incontinence Wondered if anyone had experience of same? Following
Hello, I had this with my Toller retriever, she was spayed before I got her. we had to give her hormones in liquid form provided by the vet. This helped enormously . Hope you can get it sorted soon as my girl was often rather worried about it.
Hi Erica, Yes we experienced the same thing as SianMJ however our dog was at least 6 years old, possibly older, and the leakage was mostly at night - or least most noticeable when she got up in the morning. She was spayed at 3 months: if you adopt from the SPCA in the US, the animal is spayed or neutered at adoption, a take it or leave proposition. The same dog developed urinary tract infections with the main symptom being intermittent daytime incontinence so I would visit your vet. The dog was *very upset* about the daytime accidents. The infection made her thirsty, she drank, and had more accidents, so if this is the situation you want to nip it in bud
I have a 6 month lab Morgan had her spayed when she was 5 month. She is at the vet for the reason waiting for her to come home. Will keep you posted.
Something like 20% of females spayed will have spay-induced incontinence. Not something vets even warn owners about... There are many reasons to delay spaying to much later in a dog's life, this being just one of them! There are medications which can stop it, so you need to go back to the vet. Either Incurin (estrogen) or phenylpropanolamine will need to be given daily for the rest of her life...