Furry greetings from the twins!

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by msuggs2019, Jul 19, 2019.

  1. msuggs2019

    msuggs2019 Registered Users

    Jul 19, 2019
    Denham Springs, LA
    Hello from Koda and Rylee!

    Koda and Rylee are littermates that I started out as their foster mom when they were just 4/5 weeks old. Obviously, I became a foster failure and because a full time fur-mom.

    Koda is my fluffy yellow lab. He is very toy/play oriented. His life revolves around his toys. In the beginning, Koda was a very independent puppy. He despised cuddling and being held with a passion. He would growl and bark if anyone ever tried. As he's gotten older, he's learned that cuddling with mom is just about the best thing ever. He now refuses to go to sleep unless we are cuddling.

    Rylee is my sneaky little black lab. She is very cuddle oriented. In the beginning, the only way little puppy Rylee could go to sleep was if my mom would rock her to sleep in her arms. Needless to say, Rylee is spoiled and has no concept of personal space. She has no interest in chasing toys but will chase her brother around as he goes for the toy.

    It's funny how polar opposite they can be!
  2. Saffy/isla

    Saffy/isla Registered Users

    Jun 1, 2018
    Hi and welcome, sounds like you have a busy household! How old are your two?

    I have a16 month old choc lab called Isla
  3. msuggs2019

    msuggs2019 Registered Users

    Jul 19, 2019
    Denham Springs, LA
    Busy is certainly one way to describe it!

    Koda and Rylee are about 5 1/2 years old. But they’re still little puppies at heart.
    Saffy/isla likes this.
  4. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Welcome to the forum! It sounds like Koda and Rylee must be living the best dog life ever!
    msuggs2019 likes this.
  5. msuggs2019

    msuggs2019 Registered Users

    Jul 19, 2019
    Denham Springs, LA
    I definitely aim to give them the best life ever! They sure are trying to turn my hair gray faster than it would naturally though. They get into tons of mischief. But I don’t think I’d have them be any other way.
  6. Jill H

    Jill H Registered Users

    Jul 31, 2019
    Wonderful to read stories about successful litter mate families!
    Our two pups, sisters, will be with us in two weeks and I’m enjoying the forum.
    I’d read so many negative warnings about litter mates. Glad it’s going so well. Any top tips?
  7. msuggs2019

    msuggs2019 Registered Users

    Jul 19, 2019
    Denham Springs, LA
    While Koda and Rylee were still little puppies, I read a ton of negative littermate warnings and stories. I was determined for them to not regress into the bad behavior that people described.

    The tips I have are things I still do to this day to make sure they stay loving siblings. I break up rough play when I see it’s about to go too far. I don’t feed them next to each other; usually a good few feet away so they don’t develop food aggression. Because they were so you when we got them, they stayed in the same crate at first but we slowly weaned them into staying in separate crates when we are gone for long periods of time. We make sure to give them as equal amount of attention as possible.

    I think those things really helped honestly.

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