Look At That!

Discussion in 'Labrador Training' started by snowbunny, Dec 21, 2017.

  1. Inky lab

    Inky lab Registered Users

    Mar 2, 2017
    I'm always amazed that when you have your dog on a lead and their dog isn't that they think it's fine to just let it come and interact. Inky isn't generally frightened but I think it's very rude of other people! If we see another dog on a lead I always put (or attempt to) put Inky back on the lead, assuming they are on the lead for a reason.
    Sounds like you both handled it well to me.
    After reading your replies again, im going to add a go play cue for when I'm happy for Inky to interact. I guess it's like the release cue from a boundary?
    EmmaHughes likes this.
  2. EmmaHughes

    EmmaHughes Registered Users

    Sep 17, 2017
    I agree with you and I do attempt and mostly succeed in putting Mason back on lead whenever I see another dog but I have been caught out a few times. I only have my puppy on lead because of seeing another dog or person or for training purposes. It does get to the point where dog walking isn't as enjoyable as it should be.
  3. flor

    flor Registered Users

    Dec 6, 2017
    Coimbra, Portugal
    I do LAT with Ema (almost 9 months) for some time now. First with people and dogs, now just with dogs. Still, I know that if Ema were off lead she would simply run towards the dog... But I guess we'll get there with time and more maturity.

    What I wanted to share and ask advice for is that whenever she sees one of her many canine friends in the park she will run to then if off lead. No matter if I call her, use the "stay" cue, anything at all! Any ideas? :) (I must add my recall is still fresh as I am starting Pippa's Total Recall program). Thanks a bunch!
    EmmaHughes likes this.
  4. flor

    flor Registered Users

    Dec 6, 2017
    Coimbra, Portugal
    I forgot to ask if it's a good idea not to let Ema greet other dogs while she isn't fully trained in reasonably ignore them?
  5. EmmaHughes

    EmmaHughes Registered Users

    Sep 17, 2017
    Hi I like the name of your puppy, how sweet.
    I have Mason who is nearly 9 months we are in the Uk and like you are trying really hard. Same here it happens almost daily, it’s embarrassing but when we are in our own he is really quite good. Luckily most people don’t seem to mind but it’s me who has to go get him. He is super friendly and I would like him not to be so excited. After couple of minutes he calms right down
    flor likes this.
  6. flor

    flor Registered Users

    Dec 6, 2017
    Coimbra, Portugal
    Hi, Emma! I see why you like Ema's name :) (It's the Portuguese version of Emma and I really love it. My daughter is Eva, so it can get pretty confusing for all of us 3 sometimes! :)) Yes, you are, right! People don't seem to mind at all, as they can be so sweet and funny. Dogs don't mind either ;) She gets along with every single one of them. Have tried LAT with Mason? I do that and also treat streaming. It's a good temporary solution but it all fades away if the dog is too close. I also use an easy walk harness which does wonders in this cases! I'll just keep on training (every walk is also a training session :p) and enjoy the joys of working out my biceps for free! Cheers!
  7. EmmaHughes

    EmmaHughes Registered Users

    Sep 17, 2017
    Hi flor, I never knew the name was from Portugal I’ve learnt something new today
    Eva is very pretty name and I can see how you can say one name but mean another!
    Most people can but I still am very aware that not everyone wants Mason bounding upto them. TBH he has been in the play b position for a few days now and it’s like he is a stalker creeping up on them and then he is all sniff wagging tail and so excited. That’s nice the Ema gets on well with other dogs it makes it more enjoyable for both of you I’m sure. We are fairly lucky but you will always get a couple that don’t like him and that’s ok but Mason keeps going up to them!
    I did try LAT but haven’t for some time as life gets in the way. I tend to try and keep his attention with my voice or treats.
    What is treat streaming I think I know but I’m probably wrong?
    Your right it is, it’s hard work but we will get there I’m sure.
    Biceps and my legs are definitely toning up so that’s a good thing.
  8. flor

    flor Registered Users

    Dec 6, 2017
    Coimbra, Portugal
    Emma, streaming is feeding your dog lots of treats as to keep him/her focused on you and ignore the undesired distraction. Now, my turn: "TBH he has been in the play b position". Could not grasp this.
  9. EmmaHughes

    EmmaHughes Registered Users

    Sep 17, 2017
    I thought so and thanks for clearing that up. Easy to get the wrong end of the stick sometimes.
    Must of added a letter in there, sorry, meant to say that when he sees another dog he stalks them gets into a play position and sort of crawls along then runs lays down and then he goes for it.
    flor likes this.
  10. flor

    flor Registered Users

    Dec 6, 2017
    Coimbra, Portugal
    Ema's twin brother, I'm sure! :)
  11. EmmaHughes

    EmmaHughes Registered Users

    Sep 17, 2017
    It’s possible
  12. Chewies_mum

    Chewies_mum Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2018
    We tried LAT with some dogs, people and brush turkeys today. Surprisingly had most success with the turkeys.

    I'm using a clicker, which is helpful as it then redirects his attention to me, so if he looks back at the object of interest calmly I can reinforce again.
    Cath likes this.
  13. LoopyLuna

    LoopyLuna Registered Users

    Jun 27, 2018
    We've got lots of opportunities to try out LAT in our house because of the cat. I am DETERMINED to stop the dog from chasing the cat! It's become a personal mission! One question I do have on this technique though is whether for this particular example, I could cue "Rosie" (the name of the cat) or "cat" rather than saying "Look at that". Just wondering whether if there's a common distraction that you're working with, you can just name the thing, or whether it's important to have a consistent recognition of the words "look at that"?

    It does feel like we're getting there. Practicing on Luna watching the cat (Luna inside looking through the window and the cat in the garden). We've gone from Luna losing her mind, barking and running up and down the length of the windows to her now lying down and watching. Onwards and upwards!
  14. Bud Light/Dilly Dilly

    Bud Light/Dilly Dilly Registered Users

    Oct 22, 2018
    Los Angeles, CA
    Wondering if you could just tell Luna to stay while she looks at the cat. I've noticed this has helped me when I'm at the park with my dog and he is on the long line and other dogs get close to him. I tell him to stay while he is looking at the other dogs and when he looks up at my then I reward him. Of course, your pup has to know what "stay" means, but just throwing that out there.
  15. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Interestingly, in McDevitt's latest book she has changed the cue to Where is the .....? Consequently, your thought is spot on. You will have to train the new wording of the cue. The word cat she should pick up by association. I suggest you use high-value treats so that your dog will turn to you, resisting the urge to chase the cat. Let us know how you get on. I'm interested in whether the wording of the cue matters.

    McDevitt does emphasise that she had intended LAT to be only one part of a wide-ranging protocol, for the the dog to choose calmness. You might find the third book to be of some interest.
  16. LoopyLuna

    LoopyLuna Registered Users

    Jun 27, 2018
    Thanks Michael - I don't think this particular example is going to be very scientifically accurate. Look at THAT and Look at the CAT or CAT sound too similar to be distinguishable. I'll take a look at the third book though once I've finished the second one :)

    A question though @Michael A Brooks as I'm keen to know if you have any thoughts - After a few weeks, we've progressed to the point where Luna will look at the cat (at a distance) and then look back at me. Sometimes it's immediate (normally if the cat is just sitting) but other times she will stare for a good 5-10 seconds and then turn back to me at which point I mark and reward. If she's not turning immediately then should I go back a few stages and mark her looking in order to get a more speedy look back at me?

  17. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    @LoopyLuna She has changed the cue to Where is the cat?

    The Third book covers very similar ground to the first book.

    What is the cat doing when she stares for 10 seconds? Is.the dog so aroused that she is not listening to you? I would increase distance between you and the cat.

    I would try also giving really high value treats for quick turn. Middle value for 1 second. And nothing for 10 seconds.
  18. LoopyLuna

    LoopyLuna Registered Users

    Jun 27, 2018
    Hi @Michael A Brooks - we're generally practicing when the cat is outside and the dog inside. The cat is fairly chilled out at this safe distance and when we have the 10 second wait, Luna will just be watching calmly - she's not over threshold at all. She'll then calmly look back at me. If I was to say "yes" and mark she would turn straight back to me. I'll try the treat value idea though and see if that works. At the moment I'm just using her normal kibble.
  19. BacktoBlack

    BacktoBlack Registered Users

    Apr 3, 2019
    Maggie has the LAT prettygood, but this one cat she does the longer stare thing (don't blame her, it is a huge cat :D)
    Now the cat decided to come over and get on our retaining wall and sun bathe :mad::( ...so frustrating. Ill try @Michael A Brooks level up reward system.

    //sorry for hijack
  20. BacktoBlack

    BacktoBlack Registered Users

    Apr 3, 2019
    LAT and LAM are working really good for dogs and people. Maggie doesn't have much of a reaction most of the time.
    So that is great but she has been chasing the shadows of flying bugs and its not that I can usually see them any sooner than she does. She will chase the shadow till its finally gone. I have her on a long line (I have some ankle rope burns to show for this new found obsession) I swear theres a flying black thing that taunts her if this is possible. Im afraid she's going to knock out a tooth diving at the shadow on the ground before I can get her to settle and look at me. How can I desensitize her to this if I don't even see them coming myself? Do I need to work even harder at recall?
    She is beyond nuts 2 seconds into chasing after them. Same thing for the little lizard things, they just appear and she is going to wipe out her teeth chasing into the wall. Thanks for any advice.

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