Our 17 month old female chocolate lab cries every time we get in the car. She’s been doing this for about 8 months. We take her on drives a lot and have since we rehomed her a year ago. We crack the back windows but insist that she stay in the back seat. She’s not been sick at her stomach, just pants and cries/ barks. Any suggestions?
I would spend a lot of time doing fun things around and then in the car - whilst it is stationery and turned off. Teach her to jump in and out on cue. Give her a daily stuffed Kong which she gets to eat in the car only (whilst stationery) and whilst you're doing this, only take her out if it's necessary in the car when it's moving.
Next step after that, would be to do some training in the car - so with her in the car, you cue sit - click, treat and down-click treat and watch mes and then a jumping out the car, click treat - and jumping in. Try to make the car be like a fun agility obstacle in her mind and associated with these games. When you first drive anywhere, drive very slowly around the block with hazard lights on (due to going slowly) and with all the windows open - and give her a Kong. It will help if you have someone else to drive the car, so you can keep training her in the back... if you can manage that safely.