Hello from Sadie & I

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by ChrisK666, Jul 30, 2019.

  1. ChrisK666

    ChrisK666 Registered Users

    Jul 29, 2019

    I am Chris and I would like to introduce Sadie who, at the time of posting this, is just 9 weeks old and she is beginning to get my wife and I well trained.

    We used to live near Ashford in Kent, but the area was becoming so built up and crowded being close to the Channel ports, Eurostar, high speed rail line and the ever busy M20. We sold our house and bought a smallholding near Dumfries in Scotland eighteen months ago. Our two very elderly Golden Retrievers loved being here as we now had a paddock and a field, but they were both in quite poor health and sadly died within a few weeks of each other a couple of months ago. They were sisters and had just reached their fifteenth birthdays. My wife and I were heartbroken. Going into the kitchen first thing in the morning and not seeing a pair of waggy tails just didn't feel right. So ten days ago Sadie joined us. She is a beautiful chocolate Labrador and she already has learned to fetch a ball (if its not thrown too far) and will bring it back to you. She has also learned to chew slippers (preferably when you are wearing them), shoes, mop, broom, dustpan and brush - but we will gloss over that!

    I would like to say, how much I am enjoying this website and look forward to chatting with you on the forums.
  2. Saffy/isla

    Saffy/isla Registered Users

    Jun 1, 2018
    Hi and welcome from me and my chocolate lab Isla.

    The picture of your girl reminds me very much of our Isla when we first got her,beautiful, and you have done exactly what myself and my husband would love to do. We dream of the day that we maybe able to relocate somewhere remote and peaceful.

    This forum is really helpful,especially when a new puppy joins your family and you seem to have forgotten what that entails!

    Enjoy your new puppy
  3. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi Chris and Sadie, welcome to the forum!

    What a move! (Aren't you cold?? ;)) I'm looking forward to reading more of Sadie's progress :)
  4. ChrisK666

    ChrisK666 Registered Users

    Jul 29, 2019

    Hi Sarah

    Thanks for the welcome.

    No, it’s not really cold here - we are on the border, so it really is South West Scotland. It’s cooler and much less humid than SE England. We rarely get snow here - unlike the highlands. In fact, the major difference seems to be the honey harvest is about six weeks later than down south ( I am a beekeeper).

    Sadie has settled in well but the chewing is a bit annoying. I don’t remember our two retrievers being this chewy as pups. However I remember one of the retrievers ate a windowsill at our old house. Sadie prefers to chew my ankles!

    Early days yet.


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