Crazy 7m choci lab!

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by Sharon Blairs, Aug 8, 2019.

  1. Sharon Blairs

    Sharon Blairs Registered Users

    Aug 8, 2019
    I own a gorgeous female 7m choci lab that is driving me to insanity! Very exuberant EVERYTHING is soooo exciting to her ... especially other dogs and ppl. Im trying my best to train her and feel like Im failing and not doin enough for her. Took her to puppy class ... all she wanted to do was play, dig, sniff, pull despite the gammon and chicken in my hand! Ive studied Canine Pyschology and Behaviour so its not like I do not know what is involved n required from me.She is my 5th and only dog now I lost Lurcher who was the last of my pack of 3 last not sure if Ive forgotten or that she s wired I believe its harder when there are no other dogs in household ... Im sure it ll all come together just feel like Im wading through treacle ... also been told to wait for 1st season before spaying as she s a little undeveloped there and dreading that as she will have to remain on lead/street walks which dont really let her vent...feel exhausted by trying to keep her occupied n stimulated.... I know I must carry on doing what Im doing n remain calm n patient(very difficult at times) I think I just needed somewhere to vent as do not have friends who own dogs ... thank you for reading ☺
  2. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    From reading other posts on here from people with similar aged pups, it seems that problems at this age are quite common.
    What is you routine with her re exercise, down time etc?
  3. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    7 months was my hardest time with Meg, for all the reasons you describe. We stuck at weekly obedience classes for over a year. I really believe consistent training around distractions was the key to the amazing dog we have today. It was hard for both of us but by the time she was over a year she started to settle. She is the perfect dog now but we had to work together as a team to achieve it. So that’s a long winded way of recommending getting to a good positive class, puppy classes are not enough. Good luck, you will get there in the end.
  4. Sharon Blairs

    Sharon Blairs Registered Users

    Aug 8, 2019
  5. Sharon Blairs

    Sharon Blairs Registered Users

    Aug 8, 2019
    She has a 2 mile walk on lead in morn and 3 mile walk/free time on field putting in training whilst we are out sometimes I switch it around it could be the 3 mile in morn n 2 mile in time on field includes play n search ... the lead walking has lots of distractions so I try to get her to focus on me n reinforce commands with sausage/chicken....some days are good some days are bad ... I work for 3.5 hrs so Im not out that long...we play chase the lure n fetch n bit o tuggy after morn walk before I work leave her a kong ... when I return she generally asleep depending on whose been in or out (family with their own agenda) afternoon walk she generally rests for approx Hr after that then its tea time n more play n sleepy sleep bout 9 ish... Im mindful of not over exercising her due to growing joints...she is very willful n needs to be doing something most of the time...which obvs I try to give her things to do ... hiding food in cardboard boxes.... putting it in plastic bottles with holes in anything really to stimulate her mind to figure out how to get food... she s a lovely girl and I love her to bits I cant seem to remember it being this full on with ky others but then Im alot older now
  6. Sharon Blairs

    Sharon Blairs Registered Users

    Aug 8, 2019
  7. Sharon Blairs

    Sharon Blairs Registered Users

    Aug 8, 2019
    When I do the 2 mile on lead walk this is where most of the distractions are as its a street walk with Loads going on this is my hardest time with her. I cannot afford to keep up puppy training as I only work part time. I wont give up though I shall persevere and keep the walks going she has to learn the importance of being well mannered .... some days are great others not so.... I find it on occasion overwhelming and feel like progress is not bein made but hey Rome wasnt built in a day ... thank you for replying and your kind wishes
  8. Sharon Blairs

    Sharon Blairs Registered Users

    Aug 8, 2019
    Not sure ive replied using correct format but have replied
  9. Saffy/isla

    Saffy/isla Registered Users

    Jun 1, 2018
    Hi Sharon, it sounds to me like you are doing all the correct things to keep her occupied and learning.

    I think some dogs are just far more excitable and bouncy than others. My last lab was calm and biddable but my new pup sounds just like yours and has been a challenge for us. Even our trainer has said she is wanting to "work" all the time.

    When Isla was in season we did lead work and lots of training and find in the garden to keep her busy, this also tired her out.

    Things will get better and it sounds to me like your doing a good job, so hang on in there
  10. Sharon Blairs

    Sharon Blairs Registered Users

    Aug 8, 2019
  11. Sharon Blairs

    Sharon Blairs Registered Users

    Aug 8, 2019
    Hi .... yes I agree with all that you have written... I had black labby 1990 and Choccy Lab 2003 they were calm chilled whereas Tala is ' full on ' pretty much all of the day... your little profile piccy looks the spitz of mine too ! Uncanny ... yes when she comes into season I shall have to lead walk her as do not want her running free around others...kinda asking for myther there...and lots of play n stimulation upon returning from walks. Thank you for replying its good to hear kindness and support and reassurance from like minded people.
    Saffy/isla likes this.
  12. BacktoBlack

    BacktoBlack Registered Users

    Apr 3, 2019
    @Sharon Blairs My Maggie is almost 9 months. For me month 5-7 where hell on wheels. Just a lot more energy than all my other labs.
    When you are out on your lead walk, be mindful of talking too much. I was talking to her as we were walking and I'm sure it was a distraction, Im sure I just talk to talk :rolleyes: So when we walk, especially the days I can tell she isn't focusing on me as much I keep my chatter to zero, and just use my marker and treat, I had to feed less and up the reward and that super helped. Also when lead walking I had to not walk in a straight path all the time. I would walk across the street or weave in and around a trash can etc. this really made her have to focus on me. Again keeping to zero chatter. Good luck

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