14 year old lab

Discussion in 'Senior Labradors' started by Hayley Sugden, Aug 13, 2019.

  1. Hayley Sugden

    Hayley Sugden Registered Users

    Aug 13, 2019
    Our lab is 14 next month he has arthritis in back legs and front paw. He has a lot of muscle waste and for last 6 months or so has been soiling through the night. He also has started pacing back and forth and is also deaf. He will walk for about 10 mins but very slow. Getting up and lying down is a struggle and takes a while. He is on supplements for joints. He doesn't greet us now and had loss interest. We know that his life is nearing the end but I don't want him to be in pain.He also will just stare into space a lot of time. When will we know he has had enough? Thanks
  2. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    This is really sad and you have my sympathy.
    Unfortunately, I think you know the answer to this.
    If he is not enjoying life, then the only reason for keeping him going is for ourselves, not for the good of the old dog.
    Always better a day too early than an hour too late.
  3. Hayley Sugden

    Hayley Sugden Registered Users

    Aug 13, 2019
    He is due to have some vaccinations so I think I will speak to the vet. He is soiling his bed and lying in it. Some days he just stands and stares for ages and other week he got out of garden and went down the lane. He also has just started to become clingy in wanting to be by your side and just staring at us something he has not done before, I think this maybe for reassurance as his hearing has gone and may be his eye sight is dwindling. What a decision to have to make x
  4. BacktoBlack

    BacktoBlack Registered Users

    Apr 3, 2019
    Agree with above. Such a hard decision, even harder if one spouse thinks its time and one who is not in agreement because they truly feel its not time. I then had to wait. Upon waiting I had to watch her have a massive seizure, doctor said she was in no pain from it, but she did lose her sight and other things that had to be so scary and traumatizing for an old girl...Were coming up on two years in sept and the trauma of it still leaves such a bad taste in my mouth. I feel like I failed her.
  5. Hayley Sugden

    Hayley Sugden Registered Users

    Aug 13, 2019
    I think I read your post yesterday that's one thing that's been going through my mind what if he collapses up the lane or has a stroke or seizure I don't want him to suffer any more than he has to x

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