OFA certs and breeding

Discussion in 'Labrador Breeding & Genetics' started by cagwood, Aug 14, 2019.

  1. cagwood

    cagwood Registered Users

    Sep 19, 2018
    My husband and I have been doing a great deal of research, but have come up with some conflicting information. I am assuming it will happen here, but I'd like to get some advice from breeders with experience.
    Yes, we are new at this, but everyone must begin somewhere. We've been labrador lovers and parents for many years, and we've researched a great deal before we decided to take the leap. We are also in the process of training, and are planning to show her in obedience and conformation. That being said, research does not necessarily trump experience, and I'm hoping some kind, experienced breeders can give us insight. Our goal is to have healthy puppies and healthy parents.

    Our conflicting info is as follows:
    Before we breed we want to be sure our girl has clear hips and elbows (she has already been tested for Labrador genetic diseases, and cleared). The OFA will not certify hips and elbows before 24 months of age which puts the earliest breeding age at 2.5 years. My husband and I were fine with this, and still are. However, when talking to a woman who has been training labrador puppies for Leader Dogs of America, they want to start breeding their bitches by their second heat cycle because they say the heat cycle is as hard on their bodies as pregnancy, loosens their joints, ect., as well as having a younger, stronger uterus. Research I've done since hearing this has confirmed it (heat being as hard on their bodies as pregnancy). Some research has also said if breeding a dog before skeletal system and internal organs are conpletely matured it would stop the developmental process (at least for the internal systems like the uterus) because all energy is given to the puppy development and feeding after birth, and once weaned, the body will not pick up where it left off and finish developing (this info was found on a veterinarian website).

    So here is my question:
    Do you do a preliminary OFA, if it comes back good, breed the bitch at 18-24 months, then after the 24 month mark, and after puppies have been weaned for at least a month, take her in for her OFA certification, or do I take the road we originally intended (OFA certs at or after 24 months then breed her which could potentially put her at 2.5 years of age before her first breeding)?

    Any helpful, respectful advice is welcome. If you feel the need to talk down to me, please do not comment. I am not asking for judgement, but advice. Thank you.

    (I would post a picture of my lovely, but I don't know how to do that...lol!)
  2. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    It's good that you are looking into this properly. My advice would be to not even consider breeding until you have had her hips and elbows fully tested.
    I would not normally breed from a bitch before she is 3 years old and has had all her health tests and proven herself in the field (or the show ring in your case).
    cagwood and Edp like this.
  3. cagwood

    cagwood Registered Users

    Sep 19, 2018
    Thank you. Those were my thoughts, but when I'd heard the new information I began to second guess myself. Much appreciated.
  4. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    There is no rush to breed and - whilst people say all kinds of things in terms of best age etc - there is not much research into this as a subject.

    But you definitely want to be sure you have completed all health testing (fully, not just prelims) before breeding.

    I sometimes think people say that it is best to breed a bitch early, just to justify breeding relatively early(!). Even on the subject of breeding late, there is little research - in the UK, it is said to breed a bitch by the age of 4 at the latest and the UK KC won't even register litters born to bitches over the age of 8yo. (So 8yo becomes the cut-off.) In the US, I know of very reputable breeders, breeding from older bitches... As I said - very little research and lots of opinions on this one!

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