Puppy depression?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Red-Fraggle, Aug 18, 2019.

  1. Red-Fraggle

    Red-Fraggle Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2019
    I know that's a bit over the top, but is it a thing? I had postnatal depression with both my teenage boys and honestly this feels very very similar!

    Our pup Cooper came home last Sunday, so it's been a week. I love him dearly but, oh boy, he's a handful. I'm trawling these threads with a great deal of gratitude as I do see that I'm not alone (there is one huge thread about coping in the early days, which has been of massive comfort to me).

    We are starting to understand his needs, for example when he's sniffing to toilet, etc. We can see when he gets over-silly and needs to sleep (just like a toddler!). Feeding, well it varies and we can't quite get it right. He was fussing around earlier and being all silly - every other need was met and he couldn't settle in his crate, so we gave him a small amount of food and then he seemed more settled.

    I couldn't send him back but I can't help but mourn a bit for how easy life was before with just my older dog. So simple and so easy going. I keep bursting into tears, making me feel just awful for this new fella who is simply just being a puppy.

    Please tell me it gets easier?
  2. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    I’m not sure it’s depression but sleep deprivation can have similar symptoms. It really does get better, quite quickly. As you have seen here are lots of similar threads on here and most people pop back to update that things have settled. Meg was a typical busy, chewy, boisterous pup. She is just a delight now and very much worth all the young challenges she brought. Get to obedience classes if you can and chat to a whole class who are feeling the same, it helps.
    Red-Fraggle likes this.
  3. Red-Fraggle

    Red-Fraggle Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2019
    Aww thank you for your reply. I know it sounds needy, but the more I hear that people have gotten through the stage the more of a comfort it feels. We are booked into puppy classes in about 4 weeks, which I'm sure will help.

    Thank you again x
  4. Saffy/isla

    Saffy/isla Registered Users

    Jun 1, 2018
    Hi, hang on in there, it really does get sooo much better. So many people on here, myself included, were reduced to a withering wreck in the early puppy days.

    I felt so trapped and out of my depth, despite owning dogs before but roll forward a few months and it's so much better, especially once you can get out walking with your pup. Try to have some time for yourself, when I could leave Isla for half an hour, built up slowly, I went to a local cafe for a coffee and this made me feel more "normal"

    Good luck and keep coming on here, it helps
  5. Saffy/isla

    Saffy/isla Registered Users

    Jun 1, 2018
    By the way, your pup he's gorgeous
  6. Harry's Mum

    Harry's Mum Registered Users

    May 17, 2019
    Hi Red-Fraggle, Cooper is absolutely gorgeous. We have a fox red too.
    I can honestly assure you that things do get easier!
    For me the sleep deprivation was the worst thing - waking up twice during the night to let him outside to pee and then he'd be all bright eyed and raring to go at 5.30 am. My husband and I were like zombies! It seemed like forever, but he began to sleep through from about 11pm until 6am after two weeks.
    Then there was the biting, those sharp little teeth! My hands were a mass of little cuts and bruises no matter how many chew toys I distracted him with. He's now five and a half months and has most of his 'big' teeth and the biting/chewing on humans has stopped.
    The early days are really daunting at times but believe me they will pass quickly and you'll have a gorgeous, delightful, funny, loving and mischievous friend.
  7. Red-Fraggle

    Red-Fraggle Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2019

    Oh wow you've just hit the nail on the head, I feel really quite trapped and definitely wayyy out of my depth. My other half is amazing with him and has told me just to go out and do 'me' things.

    Thanks loads, this is so reassuring.
    Saffy/isla likes this.
  8. Red-Fraggle

    Red-Fraggle Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2019
    Thanks so much for your reply, your foxy is gorgeous too (I love seeing photos of other people's labs, especially red ones :) ). We've actually been super lucky sleep wise I think, and my partner is an early bird as well so it hasn't been too bad in that respect. I think for me it's the adjustment period, and I just need to take it a day at a time. It's extremely reassuring to know that I'm not alone though, so thank you.
    Harry's Mum likes this.

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