
Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Lisarhr, Aug 23, 2019.

  1. Lisarhr

    Lisarhr Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2019
    My 9 month old canine good citizen trained lab is suddenly destroying things when I’m at work! She is not even alone. She is in a climate controlled room in my house with windows and a dog door to the outside and she’s with other dogs that she has been with since she was a puppy. My house cleaner who comes every week was there when she began chewing on the walls and window sills! Nothing has changed about this routine since she was a pup except she’s been out of a crate since she was trained to potty outside. I’m at a loss! I could re crate her or get a muzzle. She’d hate the muzzle but would still have freedom to go outside. Any ideas??? Why is this happening?
  2. AngelConradie

    AngelConradie Registered Users

    Jun 7, 2017
    South Africa
    She may be in her "teenage" phase! Some Labs regress in behaviours or training quite a bit when they hit this point in their growing up. You can take a few steps back and reinforce her alone time training. :)
  3. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    The back molars come through about this time and it can lead to renewed chewing urges. The best thing is to crate her with lots of chew toys until it is passed, being sure she gets to come out often enough for stimulating 'events' and isn't just being crated all day...

    You might also want to think about her mental and physical stimulation, since a lack of both or either is often behind unwanted destructive behaviours like this.
    Edp likes this.

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