Barn dog behaving badly.

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Sue C, Aug 19, 2019.

  1. Sue C

    Sue C Registered Users

    Sep 17, 2013
    About 6 months ago we Rehomed a 3year old female lab. She had been raised in a ‘barn’ with upto 10 other dogs. We are having problems with food and certain behaviour. She is excessively greedy (even by lab standards) is always hungry and poohs a huge amount. We are using dry food and are concerned that she’s not getting enough nutrition as the food just seems to be going through her.
    She frequently can’t contain herself at night and we are greeted with a huge pile of pooh in the morning. The only way past this is to crate her at night. I think this is a result of her barn days but we can’t seem to resolve it.

    Any recommendations for feeding and behaviour appreciated.

  2. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    I guess you have already had her reviewed by a vet to check her weight is ok and there is nothing else going on, worms etc...So you probably need to look at the quality of food you give her. Some brands have lots of fillers in, so create more poo. Over the years I have found through trial and error which brands give the least output. Meg now has one, occasionally 2 small firm poos a day. Being in a crate a night is not a problem if she is settled. A lot of folk on here would recommend a raw diet, it’s not something I am knowledgeable about but there are lots of positives about it. I am sure more experienced folk will chime in.
  3. Sue C

    Sue C Registered Users

    Sep 17, 2013
    Thank you, yes checked by a vet and all seems ok. She’s lively, shiny coat etc. What food are you using for Meg. We are using Dr Johns Silver, which has always agreed with our dogs but am now rethinking.
  4. Carys

    Carys Registered Users

    Apr 21, 2017
    May be worth also considering the time and quantity you feed.

    When we got our boy he was on wainwrights wet food trays. He would have hard chalky poohs 3 times a day. Then he had a week of upset tum so on vets advice we put him on james welbeloved dry adult food. This road to a pooh per walk. Typically formed poohs two or 3 times a day (morn and eve and sometimes on the dog walkers lunchtime walk)

    We feed between 6 and 7 am and approx 7pm. We feed 1 level cup (coffee cup) on both occasions. If he becomes loose then i will ever so slightly reduce the amount he gets to 2/3 of a cup (I do the same if he looks like he is putting weight on)

    He will pooh on his walk before breakfast and either before or after dinner (depending on whether its too hot to walk before dinner or we have got him late so have our meal 1st)

    Perhaps with ypur dog changing the quantity or time of feeding would work and settle her into routine. May encourage her to pooh before bed outside?

    Our boy wont pooh in the garden unless he has an upset tummy but if he does need to go in the night (again usually before or for a few days after being unwell) he won't let us know in the night by barking or whining and we come down to the same. It's clear he tries to hold it based on what we find.

    Sometimes the smallest adjustments can make the biggest difference.

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