Dog hates being alone..anxiety/protector

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by KrisM, Aug 27, 2019.

  1. KrisM

    KrisM Registered Users

    Jul 7, 2018
    Hello All, I haven’t been on here in awhile, sorry. But I learned something new today, I think.
    Sadie is a 14 month old female black lab. I have been home with her or I take her with me if I go anywhere when I can. A little backstory, We had her in a crate when she was little just for sleeping. Then we tried to put her in the crate little by little during the day. She barked non-stop, everytime! Even when I had to drop her off at the vet, she barked constantly til I picked her up. Now we have an outdoor kennel for her and she barks and digs. Even with a bark collar, she barks.

    Ok, so today we were riding along with my husband on his truck route. While my husband was in the building, me and Sadie stayed in the truck. Sadie is very friendly and greets the customers with kisses and excitement when my hubby is on the truck. But just once today he was in the building and a customer knocked on the door and I told him to come on in. Sadie went nuts! She would not let him on the truck, she barked, stood next to or in front of me until he left. I even told her it was ok. Later when my hubby was back the guy came back to see if Sadie would let him on and she did!! Tail wagging and all! So, I forgot to tell you, I’m disabled and Sadie has had no training for that at all. So now I’m thinking she doesn’t like to be caged because she can’t protect me if she’s not with me. That it’s not a matter of separation anxiety but of a protectors job. What do you think? Could she have the natural instinct to want to protect me and knows that I’m ok when my hubby is around?

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