5 month old puppy potty training driving me mad

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Emily Stevenson, Aug 24, 2019.

  1. Emily Stevenson

    Emily Stevenson Registered Users

    Aug 22, 2019
    Hello! I have a 20 week old puppy. Full disclosure- he’s not a Labrador, he’s an Old tyme bulldog. Please don’t chuck me out for that This forum is great to read through and realise others are going through the same as me. This is a bit of a long post- just need somewhere to offload so I hope that’s ok!
    I felt toilet training was going well- over 2 weeks with no accidents. However last week he had about 5 accidents - twice in one day a couple of times. He was also sleeping from 11-6 no bother but has wet his bed three times over the last 2 weeks. I then started getting up throughout the night with him again - started at 3:30am and have managed to push it to 4:30am. I tried to push it to 5am yesterday morning as I’m waking him up to take him out but when I came down he had wet the bed again.
    During the day I take him out after eating, drinking, naps, and at least every hour in between unless he shows signs he needs out sooner. I praise him when he goes outside and ignore any inside- just clean then with enzyme spray.
    I took him to puppy training classes and the trainer said he may be teething as this can throw off toilet training. She was right- his canines came out and his molars are coming in. I was wondering if the discomfort from the teething was maybe waking him up at night and then he realised he needed a pee? Is 11-6 too long to expect him to hold it at almost 5 months? He had a uti months ago, but I don’t think he has one again- he’s not showing the same symptoms. I understand that dogs aren’t reliably trained until 7 or so months but I thought we’d be a bit further along by now- mainly because I think we were doing very well but now he seems to have regressed! I know that accidents are my fault- I need to have him in the right place when he goes - but how will he build up control if I take him out every 30 mins?
    What age were yours when they were sleeping through the night? And a bit more reliable during the day? Also how long were you leaving your pups during the day? Atm I can pop him in his crate for a couple of hours but he does start barking a bit after the 1.5/2hr mark. My bf isn’t overly sympathetic and says I need to leave him and get him used to it but I don’t want him to panic and hate the crate and feel trapped. Am I just mental and way overthinking this? He’s my first puppy and I just want to do well by him and not have an anxious dog that I can’t leave!
    Sorry for such a long post. I’m very tired and worried I’m mucking this up.
  2. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Praise is a weak reinforcer for dogs--social esteem is not a source of motivation I would ascribe to dogs. I suggest you try reinforcing urination in the garden with food treats.

    Interesting. I suspect you may have pushed too quickly. I'd suggest to return to an earlier time, and gradually increase the time.

    I work on the "rule" of one hour for every month of age. As you have discovered that tallies with the behaviour your dog is exhibiting.

    What else is your dog doing during the day? How much time for training, and play?
  3. Emily Stevenson

    Emily Stevenson Registered Users

    Aug 22, 2019
    Yep I do give him treats for going outside. That’s what I meant by praise sorry.

    He has now slept from 11-6:30 for the last three nights so hopefully we’re getting somewhere!

    Generally we have 3 25 minute walks and I try to do at least 3 5/10 minute training sessions a day. Sometimes we don’t manage that but I do try. He’s usually in the garden for a few hours spread out across the day. If I’m not with him- work etc- he goes to a day care near my house.
  4. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Emily it sounds like you are having success, and doing the right thing. I wouldn't train a young dog for 10 minutes straight. I prefern2 to 3 minutes focusing on one thing, then play. Then reward calmness. Then another short 2-3 minute session.
    Emily Stevenson likes this.

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