My 7 month old lab/hound mix puppy

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by nick mcguigan, Aug 29, 2019.

  1. nick mcguigan

    nick mcguigan Registered Users

    Aug 29, 2019
    [​IMG] hello everyone I wasn’t entirely sure where to post this exactly (I haven’t used message board forums in a few years) anyway I’ve had my puppy lotus and from what I was told when I got her she is a black lab plott hound mix I rescued her from some people that were going to give her to a shelter she has been my pride and joy ever since she is very smart playful and the sweetest puppy ever she knows how to sit, paw , other paw, lay, roll over and I can make a gun with my hand and say bang bang and she will play dead anyway she is about 7 months old I believe and about 35 lbs (which is an absolutely perfect weight for me I hope she stays that size) but I would not be upset if she got a lot bigger because I got myself into it lol I was honestly expecting her to be bigger I was just curious what you guys think the mix may be if she is in fact black lab plott hound or maybe walker hound I think and how big she will be full grown this is my first post so thank you in advance I’ll leave some pictures
  2. nick mcguigan

    nick mcguigan Registered Users

    Aug 29, 2019
    Don’t know if the images worked
  3. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Hi @nick mcguigan
    I can't see the images. Go to bottom of home page. Find technical section. There is a folder there on posting images. And welcome to the forum.

    I had to look up Plott hound. Despite living in Virginia for 3 years, I've never seen the breed.
  4. Athena

    Athena Registered Users

    Jun 13, 2018
    NE coast, USA
    Hi Nick and welcome.
    My 3 yo Johnny is a black lab Plott hound mix. He weighs 80 lbs. He's taller and skinnier than the lab standard. His hair is shorter and he lacks the lovely typical lab otter tail. His chest is broader than the typical hound physique. When he's got a lot to say about something, every now and then his barking ends in a long howl; it's not distress but rather an exclamation point of sorts.

    He was 27 lbs at 3 mo and 60 lbs at 7 mo.
  5. nick mcguigan

    nick mcguigan Registered Users

    Aug 29, 2019
    Thanks for the reply guys I’m currently at work I will get to the pictures here soon sorry about that and I don’t think she is full half breed of plott and lab because she’s 35 lbs at 7 months I’m thinking a smaller hound I’ll try to get the pics up ASAP within next few hours
  6. nick mcguigan

    nick mcguigan Registered Users

    Aug 29, 2019
  7. nick mcguigan

    nick mcguigan Registered Users

    Aug 29, 2019
  8. Athena

    Athena Registered Users

    Jun 13, 2018
    NE coast, USA
    Wow she's gorgeous :)
    No idea how big her parents are, I suppose?
    She'll likely fill out over the next few months and maybe get a bit taller. A guess might be 50 lbs or so @ 18 mo.
    AKC Plott Hound standard:

    Not sure where you live but in my US city many people are afraid of black dogs, which is just one more reason for us to work hard on training.
  9. nick mcguigan

    nick mcguigan Registered Users

    Aug 29, 2019
    Thank you for the response I couldn’t see her getting bigger than 50 lbs unless she hits a massive growth spurt I was just wanting a second opinion on breed mix she may be. No idea how big or what kind of dog parents are I got her from some people who brung her to me in a rubber maid bin in the back seat of their car they wouldn’t even pick her up she had a skin infection of some kind she was malnourished luckily I used to work at a non kill animal shelter which a family friend owns who gave me all her care neutering skin shampoo and shots for free she wouldn’t even leave my side for the first week I had her I think she was under 8 weeks. And I have become painfully aware of people thinking black dogs are mean especially being a young man with tattoos I see older women grab their dogs off the ground and carry them by my dog and she has not once displayed any aggressive behavior she is very submissive and well trained also forgot to add she has silver/greyish brindle back paws and a white spot on her chest not sure how important that information is
  10. leighxxxx

    leighxxxx Registered Users

    May 29, 2018
    she's gorgeous

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