Tricuspid Valve Dysplasia (TVD)

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by JYB, Feb 2, 2018.

  1. Shipra

    Shipra Registered Users

    Dec 3, 2018
    My 9 week old puppy was just diagnosed with TVD and already showing signs of Right sided heart failure. I’m in medical profession myself and know that there’s no good prognosis. Just looking for a ray of hope... the Breeder is ready to take him back and To let him spend his remaining days with his birth mom... I’m just heart broken
  2. JYB

    JYB Registered Users

    Dec 31, 2017
    I'm so very sorry about your puppy. All I can say is that our boy was given 1-1.5 years and that time is up this week. To date, he has shown no progression and also takes long walks everyday. He knows his body and if he over exhirts himself, he calms down before playing again. I am a member of a great group on FB called TVD in Labradors and many moderate to severe dogs live normal lives and can live to be 5-7'years old if not more. You have a big decision to make...I chose to keep mine because he was 14 months when diagnosed but got a full refund. Please keep us posted.
  3. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    So sad to hear this. My Newfie was diagnosed with a murmur and cardiomyopathy at 8 weeks. She was estimated 6 m to a year life expectancy and I was advised to take her back. I was a cardiac nurse at the time so decided I could would look after her better than the breeder !! She lived till 12 years when we had to put her to sleep as her legs gave in. She was not an energic dog, she self limited and plodded about through her life but she was happy. I think some do die ever so young and some plod on for ages, you just never know. Just wanted to send our thoughts and hugs to your pup . Emma.
  4. JYB

    JYB Registered Users

    Dec 31, 2017
    Stories like yours give us hope. Thank you.
  5. Bano Mattei

    Bano Mattei Registered Users

    Feb 4, 2019
    Thanks For creating by this time thread. Our 6 month old girl has been diagnosed with moderate to severe TCVD. The cardiologist here in Melbourne said he cannot put put a timeframe on it because the variance in cases is so extreme.

    She has shown no physical signs of issues, however the right side of her heart has started to enlarge. Her murmur is also gradually getting worse as she grows. We won't get her desexed as I don't want to risk it.

    We hope to get a full life out of her but will give her the best life we can no matter how long it is. Breeder said we could return her for a full refund but we refused. WE Take her to the dog park at least 3-4 times a week and she is already going for her level 2 obedience qualification.

    Keep sharing the good news stories!
  6. Jennifer Shelley

    Jennifer Shelley Registered Users

    Jul 13, 2019
    Grass Valley CA
    My boy is now 18 mo and was dx with TVD with severe valve insufficiency which has lead to severe enlargement/dilation of the right side of the heart at 14mo by sheer luck. He went in fir a front leg limp that he kept reinjuring and thank goodness it showed his super enlarged heart. We were hoping it was nutritional DCM, but the Cardiologist told us otherwise.

    My boy is having open heart surgery the end of this month to safe his life in Colorado. I am new to this dx as I hear its mostly in Labs. My boy is a Weimaraner.
  7. JYB

    JYB Registered Users

    Dec 31, 2017
    Update on Otis. He is now 3.5 years old and no progression with the TVD. He knows when to stop playing and we walk him early to beat the heat. Summer weather is harder on him than anything else. He was initially given 1-1.5 years at 14 months.
  8. JYB

    JYB Registered Users

    Dec 31, 2017
    Just wondering how the surgery went.
    Edp likes this.

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