Paranoid owner? Black lab symptoms

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Midnightrunner, Sep 3, 2019.

  1. Midnightrunner

    Midnightrunner Registered Users

    Sep 3, 2019
    My newly rescued 1 year old black lab is extremely high drive and has fantastic dog sports potential but is Mom being paranoid? He is eating five/six cups of high quality kibble a day, two and half times what my border collies eats. He doesn't seem to put on weight. Twice ish a week he throws up in the morning. His stool is very loose.The vet tested for Worms and that came out negative. This is my first black lab and I'm worried he may have a disease where he not absorbing his food or a thyroid condition or....Should I take him in for a blood test or does anyone else have experience with these symptoms? He's a great boy and I want to do my best for him
  2. Henry77

    Henry77 Registered Users

    Oct 9, 2018
    Long Island, New York
    Not sure what 5-6 cups translates to calorie-wise, but it sounds like a lot. How big is he? The loose stool can be a sign of too much food. I'm not sure if vomiting is also a sign of that. However, it could be that he's huffing it down too quickly. If I were in your position and my vet didn't have any advice, I'd try feeding less and maybe finding ways to feed more slowly, if that is an issue, and monitor from there.
  3. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    Even if it were a poor quality food, that does sound a lot, and loose poos are often due to over feeding.
    Do you need to put weight on him?
  4. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    Have a look at the feeding instructions on the bag and go for the bottom end.
    It may be his body getting rid of excess or is he doing a lot of exercise straight after a meal?
    Did the vet test for a bacterial infection like Campylobacter? He may need antibiotics to clear it up. You will need 3 different stool samples as it doesn’t always show in every stool.
  5. Ski-Patroller

    Ski-Patroller Cooper, Terminally Cute

    Feb 8, 2016
    Portland, Oregon & Mt Hood Oregon
    Does he throw up in the morning before or after eating? If it is before and mostly bile, it is likely Hunger Pukes.

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