Suddenly lost our (seemingly) healthy 10 ye old chocolate

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by RandM, Aug 18, 2019.

  1. RandM

    RandM Registered Users

    Aug 18, 2019
    I came here after a Google search to try to figure out why our beloved 10 yr old chocolate, Bella, suddenly passed away yesterday morning. She hasn’t been sick. She had been up, participating in her normal morning routine - ate, went out, came back in and laid down for a nap - and within hours she was gone. I’ve read a few posts here about other owners who’ve lost their pets this way and mention was made of this cancer: Hemangiosarcoma

    After reading this article, I am convinced this is what happened. She had some of the symptoms - excessive panting, intermittent fatigue - but I’d put them off to old age. After she died, I had this strange sense that she had gone like my Dad did - he “bled out” after an aneurysm in his abdominal aorta ruptured. If she had this cancer, she would have bled out from the rupture of the tumor. I am comforted to know she wasn’t in any pain. In her last moments I had picked up two pillows that had fallen off the bed next to her - one was touching her hind legs - and she lifted her head and looked into my eyes, but the rest of her body stayed absolutely still - not even a tail wag. I said, “It’s okay, Belle” and I turned away. I’m sure she passed in that moment, but I thought she’d just resumed her nap. I know now she was saying good-bye. I’m sorry now I didn’t touch her, but I think if I had, I would have known something was wrong and I would’ve panicked, wanting to help - and I couldn’t have helped. I was alone at home with my 7 yr old granddaughter and no car. I couldn’t have done anything but watch her die. My panic would have frightened her; instead she drifted off peacefully - and we are heartbroken. ❤️
  2. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    So sorry to hear what you have been through.Losing a dog anytime is very painful but must be very hard with no warning.However you can take comfort in the fact she didn’t suffer or have a prolonged illness like many do.
    The only way you could be sure would be to pay for a post-mortem but I expect that would be expensive.
    Your thoughts on an explanation sound feasible or maybe a heart problem.
    Best wishes for the future.
    RandM likes this.
  3. Harry's Mum

    Harry's Mum Registered Users

    May 17, 2019
    Oh RandM, I am so sorry. What an awful shock you must've had to have your beloved Bella pass so suddenly.
    Take comfort in the knowledge that she went so peacefully and that you were there with her, telling her she was ok.
    My thoughts are with you and I hope that if you need to, somehow you can find out why this happened.
    RandM likes this.
  4. Ski-Patroller

    Ski-Patroller Cooper, Terminally Cute

    Feb 8, 2016
    Portland, Oregon & Mt Hood Oregon
    We lost Tilly to that this spring. It was not quite as sudden, but she was bleeding out internally from the cancer tissue rupturing. We had a couple of days to say good by.
    RandM likes this.
  5. RandM

    RandM Registered Users

    Aug 18, 2019
    I’m so sorry for your loss. I know it must be comforting to have been able to say Goodbye. I wish I’d know I was saying Goodbye - but I have to believe she held on til I was nearby. She meant the world to us - I totally feel your pain. It makes it a bit easier to know there was nothing we could have done for her - it was just her time. But it sure doesn’t stop the missing her. She was an amazing friend and we were so blessed to have had her in our family.
  6. Boowhitelab

    Boowhitelab Registered Users

    Sep 1, 2019
    I am so sorry to hear about your pooch. One of my cats died of that very thing. As you know from the internet it’s much more common in dogs than cats. Not that this makes it any easier. Unfortunately the vet didn’t have much info on this type of cancer in felines. What a wonderful last few moments you had with your dog, though. It makes all the issues we have with our puppies/dogs seem so petty and little. Just know you are not alone and again I am sorry for your loss
    RandM likes this.

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