10 week old puppy poops 5 times a night (7-8 hours).

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by hihello, Aug 25, 2019.

  1. hihello

    hihello Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2019

    Our puppy is about 10 weeks old and he poops at lot during the night. We try to take him out before going to bed (around 12 am or even 1 am) and when we get up in the morning at 7 am, he's pooped at least 5 times. Throughout the day, he poops more than 10 times. I understand that it's hard for puppies to control when they go, but I don't think it's normal for him to go this often. We put him in a crate the first week we got him and someone took him out every 2 hours in the middle of the night. He ended up still pooping in his crate twice and we've put him in the kitchen ever since. We have some newspapers laid out on the floor and he uses it sometimes. Usually he'd poop and/ or pee once on the newspapers or on the pad and he does his business on the floor afterwards. We're not really sure how to properly train him to use these training pads.

    He usually has dinner at about 5:30 pm. Sometimes we give him treats before bed which may be what's causing the problem, but this still happens even if we don't.

    I'm worried that he is sick and that he's not going to grow out of this constant pooping at night. I know he will be able to hold it in longer when he gets older, but what if he doesn't bother to do so since he's used to just pooping on floor? I mean there are adult dogs who still mess in the house. Are my worries valid or am I just overthinking?
  2. Ridd3ll

    Ridd3ll Registered Users

    Jul 29, 2019

    Hi, we brought our pup home at 11 weeks old and by end of first week she started to poop as much as ten times a day and by end of day some were really loose. We phoned the vet and they advised to bring her in. they ended up giving her some special food for few days and prescription for some drugs (basically dog equivalent of Imodium). We re-introduced a different brand of food once the special food was used and she’s been grand ever since.

    Maybe look at what food you are feeding him, how much you are feeding him and maybe give vet quick call for some advice :)
  3. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Yes totally agree with the above, you need to look at the quality of food you are feeding. Lots of food uses fillers that cause more poop. My dog is on a fairly good quality food and goes once or twice a day. Puppies do not go that often, also it will take much longer to train if you allow him to poop in the house using pads etc...but that’s another issue. Maybe talk to your vet and look at what you are feeding.
  4. Ski-Patroller

    Ski-Patroller Cooper, Terminally Cute

    Feb 8, 2016
    Portland, Oregon & Mt Hood Oregon
    It is a lot better to crate him, and take him out very frequently. Using Training pads make it hard for him to learn not to go in the house as he gets older.
  5. Shadow

    Shadow Registered Users

    Feb 7, 2019
    Sacramento, California
    Feed my 14 week old pup at 5:30 AM and at 2:30 PM 1-1/4 cup puppy kibble each time. She hasn't pooped or peed in the crate and sleeps from 11:00 PM to give or take 5:00 AM. About every 2-1/2 hours I tell her to crate up and she sleeps in there for about 2-1/2 to 3 hours at a time during the day.
  6. Elizabeth Dexter

    Elizabeth Dexter Registered Users

    Jun 8, 2019
    I'm having a similar problem. My pup is now 10 weeks came home with solid poop and after a week (same quality food) he started with diarrhea. I have him on rice and chicken and pumpkin but it's still runny so he's starting on metronidazole today. He's doing really well with housebreaking but he consistently poops in his crate overnight and doesn't cry or even whimper to let us know he has to go out so ends up every morning in a huge mess. I'd love to know people's opinions are. Do you think we should wake him to take him out overnight?
  7. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Yes definitely wake him up. They can’t last overnight for quite some months and often don’t know how to ask or cry loud enough to wake you. My husband used to stay up super late, I got up really early and also did one trip over night. It was exhausting but didn’t last forever we never had an accident in the crate.
    Elizabeth Dexter likes this.
  8. Elizabeth Dexter

    Elizabeth Dexter Registered Users

    Jun 8, 2019
    Thanks. I'm definitely going to start that tonight. I've never had to do that before with a pup but each one is different.
  9. teide

    teide Registered Users

    Aug 22, 2019
    Hi our pup pies (little boy) is 8 weeks old and we put him to
    bed at 10pm
    Toilet 12.30am
    Toilet 2.30am
    Toilet 4.30am
    Toilet 6.30am
    And we have had no accidents in the crate so far I hope this helps :)

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