Need help with puppy food

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Russell_sn, Sep 28, 2019.

  1. Russell_sn

    Russell_sn Registered Users

    Sep 28, 2019

    I've recently got a golden lab, who is 9 weeks old. We have had him for a week in our home now.

    He is sleeping well, playing, drinking, eating fine. But the issue we have is that his poos are really runny. Took him to vet everything was fine and just to keep a close eye on him. The only thing we can think it might be is his food, but he's on the same food what he was on before we got him, he is on eukanuba food.

    Can anyone give me any advice what we can do or try ? Maybe change his food? If so what to?

  2. lucy@labforumHQ

    lucy@labforumHQ Administrator Forum Supporter

    Oct 14, 2013
    Welcome to the forum!

    It's worrying when they have upset stomaches, but it is still very early days and if the vet isn't concerned at this point hopefully his tummy will settle in when he does. I'd be wary of swapping food this early, unless your vet recommends making a change.

    You can find some information on puppy feeding here that might be of interest:

    Let us know how he gets along!
  3. Christina2807

    Christina2807 Registered Users

    Jul 3, 2019
    When we got Luna at 8 weeks we started changing her food straight away onto what we wanted to feed her. Within a couple of days she was off the breeder food and on ours.

    There was no upset stomach as the new food agreed with her more.
    teide likes this.
  4. teide

    teide Registered Users

    Aug 22, 2019
    We got our boy pies at 8 weeks and by 9 weeks he was eating the food we wanted to feed him on and it actually improved his tummy! When we asked at the vets they said moving is a stressful time and can cause upset tummy..
    His poo formed nicely when on the new food :)
    Christina2807 likes this.

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