9 month old still biting excessively when excited

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by DarkW1nter, Oct 15, 2019.

  1. DarkW1nter

    DarkW1nter Registered Users

    Oct 15, 2019

    I have a 9 month old lab who, when over excited bites excessively. No just biting but jumping up to do it, so regularly catches us on the body and upper arms. Sometimes it appears out the blue when he doesn't even seem that excited, but usually it's after coming in from a walk or run, or when any of the family return from work etc.

    I've read all the advice I can about calming him down but to be honest nothing seems to be working and I thought he should be starting to grow out of this by now.

    Any thoughts?

  2. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    One of Toby’s favourite spots was the fleshy bit on the back of the upper arm. He always targeted my daughter if he got over excited/was really pleased with himself or she deliberately wound him up. He can leap high in the air(another thing my black lab didn’t do) so it was often done at a run. She would end up bruised rather than cut and we didn’t ever think he was aiming to hurt.
    He has grown out of it now!
  3. SianMJ

    SianMJ Registered Users

    Jun 3, 2019
    South Wales UK
    It is the slowest behaviour to change with our dog. When I came home from work I used to get jumping biting and ripping clothes, I had to clicker train the sit and paws on floor for a few weeks. That did sort that. We still get it at other excited times and have to teach her the appropriate behaviour, e.g not to jump and bite when playing ball. We can get the zoomies and sometimes teeth on return from a walk if it’s been new or raining or something exciting. I usually let her zoom! may be you could try a licki mat at that time to help calm , it does interrupt Gwenni but the timing needs to be before biting starts. It’s not nice is it and so disappointing? I feel like I am failing this mouthy pup whilst the biting continues, it has improved dramatically don’t get me wrong but it some seem to be quite a difficult behaviour to resolve in some of these pups I read about on here. Hope things improve for you.
    Ruth Buckley likes this.
  4. Ruth Buckley

    Ruth Buckley Registered Users

    Jan 31, 2018
    This sounds so much like my dog at that age. It was awful, he did slowly grow out of it.
  5. DarkW1nter

    DarkW1nter Registered Users

    Oct 15, 2019
    thanks all, will just persevere. Was going to anyway, just curious as I had a springer before (different dog I know!) and he grew out of it quite quickly
  6. MaisieNYC

    MaisieNYC Registered Users

    Jun 8, 2019
  7. MaisieNYC

    MaisieNYC Registered Users

    Jun 8, 2019
    I am so relieved to know this is not only happening to me! Our 7 1/2 month lab jumps up and bites at me nearly every time we are out walking. (She never does this indoors.) My clothes are ripped and my arms and legs are covered in bruises. We live in NYC, and I think maybe it’s a trigger stacking issue? Any advice on how to approach this would be so appreciated. We have had private training; trainer said to work on her impulse control which we have done, and it’s excellent indoors. But then when we go out and puppy gets into a jumping frenzy I can’t even get her attention. It’s like she’s a different dog all together... I would truly welcome any advice. Thank you!!

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