Huck tested positive for Lyme disease today. The vet said he should be fine after treatment. Anyway, he vomited about 2 hours after taking the Doxycycline. I gave it with food and with the probiotic that the vet recommended. Anyone else had this experience with doxycycline? He seems fine otherwise.
Hi Sorry to hear that your poor dog is going through this. I have no experience with the drug but I’m interested in Lyme disease.I have seen how it affects humans. Are you in the Uk? What symptoms did your dog have? I am debating whether to stop using flea/tick control but Lyme disease does worry me.
Doxy can be tough on the stomach. My vet recommended splitting the daily dose in two (morning and evening) and always with food. I am just seeing this thread now, I hope you are completing the treatment by now with no issues. Mine is currently on doxy for 10 days, 20 days to go. Tested positive for erlichiosis, no symptoms whatsoever, bloodwork came back perfectly normal. However the test was positive.