I'm hoping to gain some insights on Boxadors. Specifically training do and dont's and what works and what doesn't. I realize all dogs are different but surely there are generalities for the breed that can be useful. I hope I have found the right place. Looking forward to reading about everyone else's little (well not so little) bundles of energy.
Hi Barry, Duke and Dixie! Welcome to the forum I've yet to (knowingly) meet a Boxador, but they sound like a lot of fun!
Hi Barry, Welcome to the forum! Boxadors combine two of my favorite breeds As long as you stick with positive reinforcement training, you can't go far wrong with pups that come from two clever and friendly lines. Just remember to keep them separate when you are training then in the early days to get the most out of it for you and them. You can find some information on raising two puppies at once here. Let us know how you get along!