Hoping for some reassurance about puppy biting

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Sunshine86, Nov 18, 2019.

  1. Sunshine86

    Sunshine86 Registered Users

    Jun 9, 2019
    i know biting is discussed a lot on this forum but was hoping for a bit of reassurance. Zeus is nearly 5 months and is a wonderful dog and we adore him however at 5 months he is still biting. Its definitely less than it was but he does still do it. I was just out on a walk with him and I stopped to speak to people walking who had older labs and they were extremely surprised that he was still biting. Both of their labs were bitches so didn’t know if that made a difference but I’m now wondering if it is unusual for him to still be biting at this age? Just hoping for a bit of reassurance he isn’t the only pup to still be biting! On a positive note he has over come his nervousness of dogs, his recall is amazing and he is generally a wonderful member of our family! :)
  2. Christina2807

    Christina2807 Registered Users

    Jul 3, 2019
    Luna is 5 months now and is still biting/nipping. She is still teething quite badly and is in a lot of discomfort with it. If she gets too excited when out walking she will start jumping up at the lead and trying to bite me. This is getting better as I try to avoid her triggers but it is very embarrassing when out walking her!

    In the house she will nip/bite when she is trying to tell me something - she's hungry/wants to play/wants a cuddle/needs to the toilet (if she needs out she starts barking at me too)

    So I would say it is still normal. If there is another dog in the house then I think this helps the biting settle down quicker as the puppy is put in their place and learns from the older dog.
  3. SianMJ

    SianMJ Registered Users

    Jun 3, 2019
    South Wales UK
    We had the same until around 81/2months, when we saw the biggest improvement. Just the same, very mouthy dog! We still get it on occasions at 9 1/2 months. Not too sure what made the difference apart from maturity. We just managed it by ignoring her and moving away and avoiding some triggers. Not to say that was easy or she didn’t try and follow us around the room biting our ankles/ jumping up. Plus I must say being able to walk further as she gets older helps. She’s a mouthy dog and still very mouthy in play with other dogs. I didn’t think this level of biting especially at 5-6 months was normal and was made to believe it was a problem by some at that age. This is the slowest behaviour to change with our Gwenni and has to clicker train some more appropriate behaviours and other biting times just manage it. Tough time to live with too. But it does improve, for some dogs very slowly I think, though I didn’t believe it sometimes! Agree other dogs on walks that are appropriately assertive with her help, she is our only dog and I do think it’s been hard for her learning to live with us humans on her own. It’s a difficult and unpleasant behaviour and I had never had a dog with this level of biting before, but I’m less worried about it now. Hang in there!!
  4. MontesMum

    MontesMum Registered Users

    Oct 21, 2019
    Same here! Monte is 5 months, still a shark. Less so than he was but it still happens. Mostly if he gets even the slightest bit excited which basically is over everything and anything. We are working hard on rewarding calm, avoiding situations that get him over hyped like any physical games. if he does start biting we remove ourselves quickly and quietly. Then ignore him for a few moments when we re-enter the room. Then reward for calm. Seems to have some effect as he seems to realise it’s not what we want! Really struggling with him off lead outside though as the minute he’s off that’s so exciting that he flies at me, leaps up and nips repeatedly. Very embarrassing and painful (he’s already 20kg). Hoping all of our lovely dogs loose these awful habits very soon!
    Christina2807 likes this.
  5. mummyp85

    mummyp85 Registered Users

    Oct 11, 2019
    North West Norfolk, UK
    Even as I write this, Hero's just sunk his teeth in my hand. 61/2 months. It is an awful lot better than the crocopup we did have. He will stop and start licking me instead when told to stop. Seems to now be an ' I want you to do something with me mum' kind of thing now. Continuing to work on it but is definitely a lot less than it was. Still likes to eat the men in the family though, but maybe if they actually listened and didn't jump around like idiots when he sinks his teeth in then he would think they were playing. At least puppies can be trained. Think in my family need a professional trainer in for some of the humans instead cos they just don't seem to get it at all
    Christina2807 likes this.
  6. Christina2807

    Christina2807 Registered Users

    Jul 3, 2019
    Luna is the same when she is off the lead but only if it is just me and her. When my husband is around she is a little angle and perfect little puppy.

    Shes lucky she is cute!
    MontesMum likes this.
  7. Blaine

    Blaine Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2018
    Southern California
    Them puppy teeth are like needles! When I first got River, I went though 100's of band aids and still sport the scars. They don't mean it, it's just what puppies do. When they lose their milk teeth, it will hurt less. When I got nipped I would say 'Owie' and act sad until I got kisses. She no longer nips or bites at 16 month. During training session or play would put on my arm chaps. You can buy arm chaps to protect your arms from damage. They are open fingered and cheap. I got the knit ones and use them during training as River still gets over excited once in awhile. She has learned to recognize that when I put them on, she gets treats and gets in a working mode within minutes. Now we are working on recall....

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