10 month old puppy resource guarding to other dog/chewing furniture

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by nicoleJACK, Dec 9, 2019.

  1. nicoleJACK

    nicoleJACK Registered Users

    Dec 9, 2019
    I have a 10 month old lab that has been very well behaved for a puppy, I think the 3 year old lab takes the grunt of it. Now I am working 12 hours a day plus and the 10 month old has been destroying the furniture. Possibly the 3 year old too.

    The 10 month old also has some food aggression just toward the older dog. Which is why I cannot leave tasty bones around the house. He is slowly getting better but I do not want to have hem start fights while I am gone.

    The big issue is that we just moved into a house that has an upstairs neighbor that constantly complains about the dogs especially when we tried to crate train the 10 month old. I have had to come home from work to deal with it.

    It is a bit of a bad situation all around with no clear solution, but if anyone has any tips to helping stop the 10 month old from chewing that would be helpful!

    FYI the chewing really started about a month ago. My partner and I are on the same schedule and for the first month of the new schedule the dogs didn't chew anything (we had a peeing problem with the younger one) but the chewing has now started to get bad.
  2. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Hello, I find that they do get a can get a bit chewy at that age, usually linked to boredom. You say you are gone for 12 hours , depending on how that works it could be the cause. It’s a really long time to be left for any dog...let alone an active adolescent dog. What does their day/week look like ? How much exercise and training does he get, is he worn out physically and mentally Also, I would never leave 2 dogs unsupervised with treats, bones etc too risky whilst you not around to see what’s going on, particularly with a young dog. I have always fed my dogs separately too, I think it’s fair to give them space to eat without fear of it being taken.

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