Usual run up to Christmas

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by mummyp85, Dec 24, 2019.

  1. mummyp85

    mummyp85 Registered Users

    Oct 11, 2019
    North West Norfolk, UK
    So the last 2 weeks have been the usual pre Christmas in our family - chest infections, Norovirus, lung infection, ear infection and all other sorts of coughs, colds and bugs and that's the humans. Happens every year. Then on Saturday just gone, Hero joined in with vomiting and diarrhoea and by Sunday was under the vet. A day of virtual starvation, followed by small amounts of chicken and rice and plenty of fluids and he finally seems to be coming out of it ok. He definitely hasn't been impressed, especially with all the cooking going on which has caused a lot of barking and him trying to get in the kitchen. But now Christmas day is almost here, the barkfest has stopped and he's sleeping , everything is in place, I can now relax for an hour before bed and get up in the morning all ready to have a good day with my family and Hero. First Christmas for him will be interesting to say the least - not so sure bout me. I'll be the one following everyone about making sure they don't leave any nasties where he can get them, watch my mum doesn't try to give him any Turkey when she thinks I'm not looking like she used to do with the cats, maybe for once actually get to eat a Christmas dinner and generally survive the usual chaos in our house at Christmas. My saving grace this year - I have my buddy Hero and my once yearly glass of wine, so afternoon walkies with him and the girlies and shut the men in the kitchen to do the washing up and come back nice and relaxed. Happy Christmas everyone!!!
  2. Saffy/isla

    Saffy/isla Registered Users

    Jun 1, 2018
    Aww have a great day, happy Christmas!
  3. mummyp85

    mummyp85 Registered Users

    Oct 11, 2019
    North West Norfolk, UK
    Happy days. Hero certainly lived up to his name Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Was absolutely brilliant. He coped with a houseful of people and children, no biting, no eating forbidden stuff, no jumping up. Used a house line when kids opening presents but he ignored all the wrapping paper happily chewing on one of his toys. Family also more aware of where they put stuff as well so as not to tempt him. Only thing hard for him was settling for his afternoon sleep but soon solved by ride in the car where he can settle best and he had good hour in his crate after. All my worrying for nothing and everyone had a great time. Hope all went well for everyone else
    pippa@labforumHQ and Harry's Mum like this.
  4. Golden Ted

    Golden Ted Registered Users

    Dec 15, 2019
    Well done Hero!
    Christmas day went better than expected. Ted slept for an hour or so whilst we had dinner. No jumping up at the turkey! I did however spend most of the day following him around, holding house line so he didn't leap at visitors. I tried to think of it as a training day for him....tiring for me as I don't think I sat down all day!
    I just keep telling myself next year will be different .
    Ted is 6 months today. How old is Hero?
    mummyp85 and Harry's Mum like this.
  5. mummyp85

    mummyp85 Registered Users

    Oct 11, 2019
    North West Norfolk, UK
    Hero's 8 months and been going through the ' not listening ' stage for last few weeks so was dreading it. Was exhausted at end of both days myself like you, but at least got through and still managed to enjoy. Think the 'next year's' thought kept me going too ha ha. Well done Ted, you did your human proud. Am seeing every big positive as a real move forward with Hero instead of over worrying when things don't work out, so here's looking forward to the New Year and what it brings with our beautiful pup.
    Golden Ted and Harry's Mum like this.
  6. Harry's Mum

    Harry's Mum Registered Users

    May 17, 2019
    We had a really good day with 9 months old Harry and Loki too.
    Great Grandma stayed over for a couple of nights from Christmas Eve and Harry was a bit unsettled as he's not used to overnight guests - he sat and watched her rather than nap while we talked/watched tv. Christmas morning he behaved brilliantly while we (and he) opened presents. My husband took him for a good run on the beach while I cooked.
    Our son and his family arrived for lunch, first having taken Loki out to get him tired and ready for a nice long nap in his crate. They live across the road and have a camera set up so they could check he was ok. He slept for two and a half hours then they brought him over to join in. While they were together we kept them in our living room/kitchen and out of the sitting room - those that wished to could go to play with them. Both pups behaved impeccably - they had filled Kongs and new chew toys. There was no jumping on Great Grandma or eating inappropriate items. I was so proud of them both; especially since I'd been really worried about them running riot! The bonus of the whole day was that both pups were so tired they slept until after seven the next morning!
    I hope there are more success stories and everyone had a great Christmas!
    pippa@labforumHQ and mummyp85 like this.
  7. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    Last night I thought Toby was sick as he took himself off to bed at 7pm.
    I realise he is now making up for all his lost sleep from the Christmas excitement. The last of the visitors went yesterday and peace reigns for him again. Bless.
    mummyp85 likes this.

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