Canine Lymphoma

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by LunaNYC, Dec 23, 2019.

  1. LunaNYC

    LunaNYC Registered Users

    Dec 23, 2019

    My 6 yr old lab, Luna, was diagnosed with canine lymphoma over the summer. She was put on prednisone and given 2 months. While the lumps on her body went away, she was just miserable. She laid on the kitchen floor most of the day and didn't want to play or walk. Eventually, we weened her off the medication. Since then, she got back to being the dog we knew and loved. Healthy appetite, playful, willing to walk, etc. The lumps have returned and she is scratching and licking a lot. She has long outlived the 2 months she was given but how do I know when it's time? :( :(

    She still eats, drinks, pees, poops, plays, walks, etc. The lumps are all over her and she has torn some of them from all the scratching. My wife thinks it's time but I'm reluctant since her "quality of life" still seems to be there. Made a list of 4-5 things she loves to do and she still does them on a daily basis. Can anyone share an opinion, experiences or advice?

    Thanks so much!
  2. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
  3. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    So sorry to hear about your young lab. We too are having our own battle but fortunately had the option of surgery and chemo. Touch wood he is in remission.
    Has the vet suggested any other medication for the itching such as Piriton in the Uk or Benadryl in the US? Also golden paste is a natural anti inflammatory that seems to be suggested for reducing lumps.
    It might help make Luna more comfortable in the time she has left.
    There are some Facebook pages that deal with specific cancers that advocate more holistic approaches. Again there may be a suggestion on there that could help with the side effects.
    Wishing you all the best.
  4. BeautifulWar11

    BeautifulWar11 Registered Users

    Nov 10, 2019
    So very sorry to read your sad news. It's so hard when our furry family get so sick. We had a dog with lymphoma and we did treat her with chemo and medications. We did this for almost a year. And quite honestly, the chemo didn't really affect her like it does humans, she really had no side effects whatsoever from it. But at the beginning I asked the doctor, when do we do the "right thing" and the doctor said, you will know, you'll just be able to tell it is the right time. And our doctor was right, while our dog tolerated the chemo and meds very well, there came a day when she just laid on the bed and looked at us. She didn't seem to be in any pain, she was still eating and drinking and acting pretty normal, but on that day, there was just something in the way she looked at us and we knew she had enough. She was ready. So we didn't hesitate to take her in that day and say goodbye. If your dog is still having a good quality of life, then maybe it's not time yet. But if she starts hurting herself by scratching open the lumps, then you have to think about how that might be hurting her even if she's not showing it a lot to you. I'm probably not helping much, but if you base your decision on what is best for her, then you will be doing the right thing. My thoughts are with you during this difficult time.
  5. Athena

    Athena Registered Users

    Jun 13, 2018
    NE coast, USA
    So sorry for the nasty diagnosis. Keeping in mind all dogs are different and you and your vet know best for your dog ... our friend's dog was diagnosed with lymphoma at age 3, did well on chemo, and enjoyed 5 years of excellent health. Sadly at age 8, whilst not suffering, it appears she either has had a relapse or has something else that's difficult to diagnose. There's probably a reason why chemo wasn't suggested for your girl but I completely agree with J.D. that you need to be as assertive as possible with your vet to treat symptoms, i.e. itching. If she's still enjoying life, well you have your answer. Having had very elderly dogs, each of them showed us when it was time by withdrawing from life in one way or another. Trust yourself because you know your dog.

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